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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Denial of a Palestinian state and actively working to prevent it can only be attributed to either a religious conviction as Gallant does or to racial hatred. There's no wiggle room here.
  2. Please promise me you'll start to read links in future. This is a repeat The term area bombing refers to indiscriminate bombing of an area and also encompasses cases of carpet bombing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carpet_bombing
  3. You've got a severe logical deficit here. That is not even an accidental non sequiter. That's a deliberately offensive question and is in no way what a rational person would interpret from my post.
  4. Exp[lain the difference concisely. I'll wait. I link to wikipedia article that said clearly they are the same and to several people who used the term.
  5. Then his wish to deny Palestinians a state must be based on pure race hatred.
  6. I have repeatedly said I provided links, stop trolling me.
  7. I'm pleasantly surprised that few of his madmen supporters have actually committed much violence beyond gutless threats. My friend who was a detective said the noisy ones were the least dangerous. It was the quiet ones you had to watch.
  8. I just posted credible links that said unequivocally that they were. Where is your evidence that they are not?
  9. They wouldn't have happened without his tacit support of Hamas is what I said. Stop the projecting, it's stupid. That question is offensive.
  10. I posted many. Carpet bombing is indiscriminate bombing, they are the same thing.
  11. October 7th could not and would not have happened but for 14 years of active support for Hamas by the religious nutjob Netanyahu.
  12. File this under "Aww Shucks" Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Thursday the European Commission is blackmailing Hungary by withholding billions in frozen funds over rule-of-law concerns. There is more money at stake for Budapest and Orbán is still blocking a €50 billion aid package for Kyiv, which leaders are set to discuss early next year. https://www.politico.eu/article/hungary-viktor-orban-eu-blackmail-fund/
  13. Nor would it have happened without the illegal settlements or the denial of a Palestinian state. Palestinians clearly knew that Netanyahu was helping Hamas.
  14. Hence the rhetorical question. I knew he would not answer that.
  15. I defend my record in posting links to evidence to support my arguments.
  16. Paywall but that photo looks like carpet bombing to me, don't you agree?
  17. That's how I reached my conclusion that both sides were to blame. Doesn't get less biased than that but keep trolling.
  18. Is the whole of Gaza "terror infrastructure". It's a war crime to demolish civilian infrastructure.
  19. What part of accusing both sides of war crimes is one sided? I wasn't necessarily referring to you and wasn't even replying to you. Obviously it hit a nerve. The fact is that I have seen that argument invoked so many times I don't know exactly who subscribes to it and who doesn't.
  20. I really don't mind people defending Israel as I support their right to exist but I seek balance and will push back against propagandists that aren't capable of a credible, unbiased view based on evidence. And not to invoke "their credo is to wipe us out" as a rationale for war crimes. As abhorrent as that credo is it is not a rational for war crimes.
  21. No, that's not carpet bombing. Odd that you can't tell that all by yourself. You've presumably seen enough photos of actual carpet bombing in Gaza.
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