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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. accusing both sides of war crimes is hardly obtuse. Asking a question is definitely not obtuse.
  2. The CO lower court found him guilty of insurrection.
  3. FFS, get a grip and stop trying to deflect. You know full well that Netanyahu was a continuation of the war crimes. The last Israeli who tried to make peace got shot.
  4. I did not, I pushed back against the BS that this war started on Oct 7thg and that Israel bore no responsibility. I see no need to constantly repeat that I condemn Hamas when everybody agrees. I just push back against the one eyed racists here that blame Hamas for everything and refuse to concede that they were enabled big time by Netanyahu and this divide and conquer policy bit them on the derriere.
  5. If Hamas were committing war crimes at anything approaching the level of Israeli war crimes every day I'd be condemning them every day. If people didn't insist every day that Israel had nothing to answer for I wouldn't have to push back every day.
  6. No more repetitious than constantly insisting this war started on Oct 7th and that Hamas bear all responsibility for the that event.
  7. Also watch for forward head posture, an even bigger problem for heavy computer users.
  8. I have not justified anything. This is pure projection on your part to slur me because you can't debate in good faith.
  9. They'd be safer with targets painted on their foreheads. More fun for the kids too.
  10. The SC can't relitigate the case. It can only find mistakes in law by the lower courts such as misinterpretation of the constitution or lack of standing by plaintiffs, etc. They will need to rule that the CO SC erred in it's judgement that the president was included in the 14th amendment..
  11. This is game over for Trump. A federal judge ruled Tuesday that Rep. Scott Perry must disclose to federal prosecutors more than 1,600 emails, text messages and other communications related to the investigation into Donald Trump and his allies’ bid to subvert the 2020 election. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/12/19/scott-perry-ordered-to-disclose-messages-trump-00132623
  12. Whatever transpires when the Supreme Court takes up the case, Aranda-Williams believes there needs to be some serious effort put into the opinions that are generated to meet the moment and set a definitive answer to determine exactly what Trump's role was in the leadup to and on the day of the Jan. 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol. "I think what the American people are owed an opinion that goes to the heart and the merits of the case, which is, one, whether the former president engaged in insurrection against the Constitution. "I think that's what the court has to answer here." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-colorado-ruling-tough-to-overrule/
  13. No, I'm saying a CO state court found him guilty but left him on the ballot because of the question as to whether the constitution applied to the president. The CO SC has just determined that it does and so the courts will now strike him from the ballot. They will obviously withhold in the US SC considers the matter but that won't take long. The ere are wider questions that the US SC will need to answer if they overturn the CO SC. Firstly, why was Nixon pardoned if he has presidential immunity? Second, the SC could never rule that an action taken by the president was illegal for any reason, including questions of constitutionality. Biden could issue all manner of executive orders this next year if the SC decides he has presidential immunity.
  14. I just cite sources which prove to my satisfaction that both sides are to blame.
  15. Just wrong. This on November 14th. The only question not then settled was whether the president was included and the Colorado SC just settled that question. A Colorado judge on Friday found that former President Donald Trump engaged in insurrection during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol but rejected an effort to keep him off the state’s primary ballot because it’s unclear whether a Civil War-era Constitutional amendment barring insurrectionists from public office applies to the presidency. https://www.pressherald.com/2023/11/17/colorado-judge-finds-trump-engaged-in-insurrection-but-rejects-constitutional-ballot-challenge/
  16. Get checked for dry eye. It's a serious problem. Use a larger external monitor. Take a 10 minute break every 30 minutes.
  17. My position never varies. I condemn both sides for war crimes. Netanyahu has been the leader for 14 years, more or less. The 11th century is irrelevant for any modern territorial dispute.
  18. The decision just made. The Colorado SC is not a kangaroo court regardless of how much you wish it were.
  19. This is going to the US SC. If they uphold Colorado's decision it's game over.
  20. I hope it does. The US will finally see who MAGA really are.
  21. The court did prove Trump engaged in insurrection.
  22. Palestinians have had NO opportunity for peace. As I have proven here, Netanyahu actively worked to support and enable Hamas against the PA so there couyld be not single government and no peace. The illegal settlements prevented there ever being a chance for peace right there. You can't face facts that Netanyahu and the extreme right wing are the greatest traitors Israel ever had. How do you have peace when a country is constantly committing war crimes and vowing to never allow your population to have a sovereign state? The delusionment here is incredible.
  23. Israelis have had the opportunity to sleep peacefully since 1948. They chose to make sure that the Palerstinians could never sleep peacefully. War criminals. Blame Netanyahu for anything Hamas did.
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