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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. We do have proof of billionaires funding SC judges now but Soros is not among them.
  2. Once the link is proven in court between Trump and the fake electors it will be all over.
  3. The same could be said about Palestinians, that it's only the extremists. When Netanyahu is proud to block a 2 state solution and nobody denounces a senior minister (Gallant) who vows that Gaza belongs to Israel, it seems a bit (very) disingenuous to claim it's not policy.
  4. If I (again) quoted a current senior Israeli government minister saying that "Gaza belongs to Israel" will you stop accusing me of the ignorance you are displaying by denying this inconvenient truth?
  5. Israeli ideology holds that Gaza belongs to Israel. They are not about sharing, co-existing or the rest of this stuff.
  6. 1, They didn't all leave their guns at home. 2. People died. There will be justice for them. In the wake of the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, a popular narrative has emerged: that because rioters did not fire guns that day, they were not really "armed." But a review of the federal charges against the alleged rioters shows that they did come armed, and with a variety of weapons: stun guns, pepper spray, baseball bats and flagpoles wielded as clubs. An additional suspect also allegedly planted pipe bombs by the headquarters of the Democratic and Republican parties the night before the riot and remains at large. https://www.npr.org/2021/03/19/977879589/yes-capitol-rioters-were-armed-here-are-the-weapons-prosecutors-say-they-used
  7. I stand by that. No rational person believes that Israel has not committed war crimes. Or Hamas for that matter. Claiming that they have not is lying. Justifying that pov is propaganda.
  8. Restating my arguments, not restarting anything. Just like you have done. Except you don't argue anything when it comes to accusations against Israel, you just deny.
  9. I don't care. I just want him on record as saying one way or the other. I've had it with the projections from those here who keep telling me and everybody else what I think.
  10. I got sanction ed for beign repetitive but this can't be avoided. Has Israel committed war crimes or not in your opinion? Just answer yes or no and refrain from the insults you invariably fling.
  11. https://www.businessinsider.com/famous-people-jeffery-epstein-money-manager-sexual-trafficking-connected-2019-7#mit-media-lab-director-joi-ito-quietly-worked-with-epstein-to-secure-anonymous-donations-vanity-fair-reported-11
  12. Not all Hamas and not all Israelis. One Israeli Minister at least has said that Gaza belongs to Israel. If Israel agree to a 2 state solution based on the 1967 border agreement, most Palestinians would agree. Pointing to a few intransigent extremists, as I have done as an example, is disingenuous.
  13. If messenger shooting was an olympic sport AN members would win the gold medal.
  14. If Hamas stops the terrorist attacks will Israel give their land back and agree to a 2 state solution?
  15. The electorate must still operate and vote within the confines of the constitution. The question as to whether Trump broke the law, let alone the constitution, does not and should not rest with voters. That's how a nation of law operates.
  16. There's no excuse for Oct 7th as there was no excuse for supporting Hamas against the PA and no excuse for indiscriminate bombing of citizens. No excuse for any of it. You and several others here just can't handle the notion that there are 2 sides to this story or that someone isn't totally one eyed over it. You can't argue against that and so resort to constant insults and flames. That's what's disgusting.
  17. Your insistence that Israel did not commit war crimes. It is beyond opinion, its a lie. Or that their actions prior to Oct 7th did not contribute to the Hamas. Or that Netanyahu hasn't actively contributed to this outcome. All lies.
  18. linked. today, this thread. For your edification, I repeat A Colorado judge on Friday found that former President Donald Trump engaged in insurrection during the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol but rejected an effort to keep him off the state's primary ballot because it's unclear whether a Civil War-era Constitutional amendment barring insurrectionists from public office applies to the presidency. https://www.npr.org/2023/11/18/1213961050/colorado-judge-finds-trump-engaged-in-insurrection-but-keeps-him-on-ballot As a result of this ruling the CO SC clarified the question as to whether the constitution applies to the presidency and found that it does.
  19. Stop projecting. I have clearly said thsat both sides are to blame but that makes your head explode.
  20. I have never made excuses for Hamas stop lying. I have accused both of war crimes and continue to do so. I mam not so deluded to think that God created the Earth on Oct 7th
  21. I would agree if the corrupt SC judge Thomas had not ruled in favor of Corporations are people too" resulting in vast sums of dark pool money being injected into bribing politicians. Corporate lobby spending is 34:1 vs private spending. With low information voters believing their churches and right wing social networks a fair vote has no chance against this onslaught of money
  22. LOL, "why did Hamas fire rockets" is not a question now? Go back to bed.
  23. Projection. Look in the mirror. You are being as repetetive. I would not need to repeat if I didn't see the same lies and excuses for indiscriminate bombing of children being peddled here every day
  24. Stop clutching at straws. You are trying to defend the indefensible with nothing. You just repeated for nth time that the war started on )ct 7th. The whole world knows that's propaganda except for apologists of Israel's aggression since that date
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