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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I stand by that. Apologists for Israel demonstrate profound bias and deny the evidence
  2. Israeli war crimes are sufficiently widely enough alleged that I can safely claim it's not an extreme position. In fact the minority (by far) deny these are war crimes. As I suggested, try reading independent sources. Israel risks being a pariah nation for generations.
  3. Never said I do. Maybe you should try reading some independent media.
  4. No surprises there. Everybody else looks at the evidence itself. Nobody "Believes" Hamas terrorists.
  5. Never said they weren't my opinions.The real point here is that I am not robinson crusoe. Inability to acknowledge any significant failing on behalf of your team is highly questionable
  6. Not in this situation. Every reasonable person on the planet acknowledges that most of the civilian deaths are far beyond what could be expected as unintentional collateral damage.
  7. er, no. They are war crimes under circumstances where negligence and disregard led to their deaths.
  8. Can you show an example where I am antisemitic? Your denial of any war crimes by Israel is so out there it's proof of Islamophobia right there.
  9. BS until you provide a credible link. This reaction by Hamas was entirely predictable. Anything else would be nuts until Israel agrees to a permanent solution. And before the islamophobes jump on, for the 1,000th time, I condemn Hamas.
  10. Your posts aren't? Your views aren't misrepresented, you are Islamophobic to the core.
  11. They mostly aren't war casualties. They are slaughtered civilians.
  12. Antisemitism from the right is way more evident that from the left. Most American Jews vote Dem anyway.
  13. Due process does not require conviction in a court, only that laws are followed. Due process can be congressional such as in impeachments.
  14. What about the 70% who fly in? Especially the gang members. Can you link to any terrorist incidents perped by illegals crossing the border?
  15. I would have done the same but you do need to get a hobby.
  16. I think the world expects that both Gaza and the West Bank are Palestinian land. After all this denial you now suggest that Gaza is not Palestinian land or just not Hamas land? Nobody suggested that Hamas gets any land. Nobody. They are terrorists. The world expects that the PA is the legitimate government and they would have been by now had Netanyahu and the far right religious extremists not been running interference by supporting Hamas.
  17. President Obama's Middle East speech yesterday lasted for about 45 minutes, but one solitary line has generated a disproportionate amount of coverage and controversy: "The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps." https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2011/05/what-obama-meant-1967-lines-why-irked-netanyahu/350925/
  18. I have a crystal clear idea. Both sides agreed to a border in 1967 and that's my take on it. Down to the last square inch.
  19. Hardly contrived or loaded. Anybody who's being paying attention know that those 2 issues are a starting point for Hamas to even consider stopping.
  20. sorry, quoiting uncontested government ministerial proclamations is not grasping at straws.
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