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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Complete rubbish. Trumps agenda has nothing at all to do with protectionism. He is on record as being anti-protectionist. He has outsourced manufacturing to China. His motivation is racism, pure and simple.
  2. He said he was going to be a dictator. He has made many pronouncements which establish that intention unequivocally.
  3. ozimoron

    the wai

    For anybody who's wondering. The correct time to wai an immigration officer is immediately he sets eyes on you. Other then that, I wai to Thai friends as soon as I see them as I notice they all do the same thing to me and each other, especially if the friend or acquaintance is older or they haven't met in a while. How you wai is irrelevant as long as you make some attempt. Thais will wai with their hands full, I have even seen a Thai make a scant wai while carrying a bowl of water. I even wai to some expat farang friends and sometimes we will speak in Thai.
  4. You agree with Trump when he directly channels Hitler but then claim you didn't say Hitler was right. Admit it, you weren't in the debating club at school were you?
  5. Trump Called for Mass Deportations of School Children who “Don’t Speak English” Trump claimed schools “don’t know what to do” with children who don’t know English Trump revealed a plan for mass deportations during a podcast interview with Eric Bolling, claiming that school children who are learning English are overwhelming schools. Trump said, “We’re going to have a mass deportation,” before justifying his plans. https://www.meidastouch.com/news/trump-called-for-mass-deportations-of-school-children-who-dont-speak-english
  6. That's also their rationale with wanting to shut down the government. Do anything to damage the economy so their chances are improved ta the next election. Just traitorous scum.
  7. He didn't directly challenge Hitler or that he did has no significance? Or you just don't want to talk about it?
  8. You can but that state has a right to sanction or even incarcerate you. There's plenty of precedent for it, like almost every other contagious disease known to mankind. Smallpox, cholera, etc.
  9. You initially attacked me for accusing you of denying Israeli war crimes and now you are forced to admit doing so. You have no credibility here.
  10. Then I stand by my accusation that you deny war crimes were committed by Israel.
  11. "trying to shift the blame to Israel" is denying Israeli culpability, especially of war crimes. If you will unequivocally acknowledge that Israel committed war crimes I will apologize unreservedly. If not, I stand by my accusation.
  12. Political support for whom and by whom. Are you continuing to attempt to slur board members with supporting Hamas?
  13. You continue to deny atrocities committed by Israel over decades which at least contributed to this.
  14. In the context of this board, deflection means off topic. Was it you who thinks "war" and "conflict" aren't the same thing?
  15. I did warn you that the subject of command responsibility was off topic. Now you complain that it's off topic. Yama<deleted>a's trial established the principles of command responsibility.
  16. Firstly, BS. Secondly, science does not repress anyone who challenges it, quite the opposite. It just demands more science to do so.
  17. They hung Yama<deleted>s even though he claimed he didn't know his troops were committing atrocities and didn't have disciplinary responsibility anyway. Command responsibility even absent direct knowledge is a principle designed to prevent cover ups.
  18. Thus, two new standards for a commander's criminal responsibility were established: first, the commander must not passively tolerate war crimes of which he or she is aware, and second, the commander must supervise and discipline troops under his or her command with regard to detecting and preventing war crimes. https://international-review.icrc.org/articles/reason-to-know-in-the-international-law-of-command-responsibility-919
  19. There's no requirement for prior knowledge and it's obviously impossible to know when before soldier pulls the trigger. Commanders are responsible for everything their command does or fails to do. … Commanders who assign responsibility and authority to their subordinates still retain the overall responsibility for the actions of their commands. US Army Regulation 600-20
  20. I wasn't referring to the leader of the country although he should resign for war crimes of his own. I'm talking about who has command responsibility for this soldiers and his (lack of) training.
  21. ok, you got me. A military commander with command responsibility, can be liable for the war crimes or other crimes of his subordinates, over whom he has effective command and control, even though he has not directly participated in the crime or encouraged it in any shape or form https://www.clothfairchambers.com/img/upload/news-28.pdf
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