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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. More projection. I have never denied that Hamas is a terrorist organization. Quite the opposite. Get your ducks in a row.
  2. I think that's a bit unfair. Char grilled goanna is the best.
  3. Hamas is not an army only because Palestine is not a country. No other reason. You are intent on playing semantics with hostages, prisoners, terrorists and soldiers. Not productive at all. It's all about blame, not finding a solution. A complete Hamas surrender isn't going to happen without Israel being consigned to pariah status for generations. There has to be a negotiated settlement to end this
  4. Some days you can't see Koh Larn from Pattaya at all. Some of the mask wearing could be just nose and mouth protection from the sun, very fierce lately.
  5. Your point is that Israel has not been designated a terrorist organisation and is therefore absolved of guilt? Is that your meme?
  6. Accusing everyone else of doing what you're doing seems to be a favorite deflection tactic. It works well until it doesn't.
  7. What? Are you being deliberately obtuse or do you seriously doubt that the settlements have a direct connection with Hamas terrorism?
  8. It's got a real lot to do with Hamas' motivation.
  9. France said, on Wednesday, that the European Union should consider sanctions on Israeli settlers who have targeted Palestinians in the West Bank as an option and that talks at the EU to impose sanctions on Hamas commanders were progressing, Reuters reports. UN figures show that daily settler attacks have more than doubled since Hamas’s surprise attack on Israel on 7 October and the ensuing assault on the Palestinian enclave of Gaza. More than 200 Palestinians have been killed in the violence this year. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20231129-france-opens-door-to-eu-talks-on-israel-settler-sanctions/
  10. File this under "Why didn't we know this 2 years ago?". Alarms raised over missing classified Russian intel file last seen with Trump https://www.rawstory.com/trump-russian-documents/
  11. Can't get past anybody having more than one eye can you? Makes your head explode by the look of the insults that fly.
  12. Better than that, I got to fire Bofors 40mm cannons and L2A2's. I want to see evidence that these kids are not just doing mil training, just like their peers in Israel. Can we see some vids of Israeli kids doing mil training too? Just for balance?
  13. Today the sun was particularly fierce in Pattaya right from 9am this morning.
  14. Apart from the burning Israeli flag which is a legitimate form of protest there's no indication these kids are being trained as terrorists. It reminds me a lot of my sea cadet training. I see propaganda.
  15. People died. They chanted "hang pence". Those charges aren't going to be dismissed.
  16. Biggest corruption scandal? How much did Trump's daughter tee up while she and hubby were suckling off the public teat in the west wing? One clue that we had direct and incontrovertible evidence that Trump blackmailed Ukraine over weapons to dig up dirt on H Biden. And by the way, the congressional hearing into HB was never held during Trump's term. I wonder why? Not. It's totally a deflection to protect Trump. Nothing more. On the other hand, Biden's accusers admit they have no hard evidence. After 6 years.
  17. The dem message is loud and clear. H Biden just played Comer for a fool. He can't defend refusal of a public deposition except to wingnuts.
  18. 555, you believe that? If it was remotely true we'd be having that now. When did congress EVER have a closed door hearing followed by a public hearing on the same subject? I have an answer for you if you can't find it.
  19. Rather, if Comer had nothing to hide and no plan to cherry pick the evidence then there should be no problem with a public hearing. Funny how the right wing hate sunlight.
  20. War crimes against children are abhorrent and can never be justified.
  21. The Hamas attack did not kill these children. Kids did not slaughter those Israelis on 10/7. You're again blaming the victims for Israeli war crimes.
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