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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If you mean lifetime appointments, that would not be democratic. LIke the US supreme court, not one public vote yet appointed for life. I don't think there should be an age limit for election. There should be term limits and I think only one term, whether 3 or 4 years I don't care but not more. That way the most ;popular person gets it. Why should age matter? If they fall off the perch, so what? There's always a backup and nobody is indispensable. It's not like Reagan was wheel barrowed out of the white house the day he was diagnosed with Alzheimers.
  2. Your mom and pop probably isn't in an area where some random tourist is likely to trash a 7-11 while inebriated by the effects of several base chemicals.
  3. 'Drives away young talent': AOC explains why Congress is getting older https://www.rawstory.com/aoc-congress-getting-older/
  4. I finally got to the stereo I want without selling the farm to get it. 37,000 all up. Triangle Borea Bro3 (100 watt, French made) bookshelf speakers from HD HiFi. Arrived yesterday 14,700 baht. The other speakers under serious consideration was the ELAC B6.2 bookshelf speakers at 12,900 from Piyanas. Topping from Holysai. - D30 pro DAC / preamp. 12,900 baht - PA3s power amp. 4,490 baht. This amp produces 37 watts into 8 ohms at < 1% THD. That's easily enough power to push these speakers. Decent class D amps have made them really affordable. - Female XLR to Male TRS cables (DAC to power amp). 3,190. I had a decent pair of RCA cables which would have done the job but the preamp manual says the output voltage rises from 2V to 4v and is balanced instead of single ended when using the RCA cables. I don't even know what that last bit means really but doubling the output seems worth it Piyanas Pattaya - Speaker cables. 1,250 baht - Audioquest Forest audio quality USB C cable. ~2,000 baht Music source Amazon Music hi-res flac 24 bit / 192 KHz. $10.99 per month for non prime members. . The sound quality is exemplary for the money. I'm very happy. The first serious stereo I bought was in 1982 when I bought Bose 901 speakers, Crown D150A, 150 watt rms class A amp and Crown Straight Line One preamp, Technics turntable, Shure cartridge, Nakamichi cassette player. Most bought in Singapore. They cost a lot more than what I have just paid, especially taking into account the 40 years to now. I can say that I hear the difference at every step between BT vs wired, Spotify / YouTube / Tidal vs Amazon. I previously bought a Fender Monterey on sale at just under 8,000 baht. That was an impulse buy. It's a great speaker but not in the same leage as the Triangles, obviously. Mainly due to the lack of a sound stage in the Fenders. And the clarity. I'm going to gift the Monterey to my gym trainer.
  5. How do you get from not understanding how the universe was created to proof that God exists? Why is it ignorant? It couldn't be more fundamental or simple. Which religion is real? All my life religious people dodge this question like kryptonite and nothiong has changed.
  6. The sense of decency, fairness and not doing wrong by people has nothing to do with religion. Churches are among the worst adherents to those values. The strongest religious value, particularly in the christian churches is paedphilia.
  7. Trump really lucky he has millions of suckers willing to pay for frivolous legal challenges which never succeed.
  8. You still can't / won't explain why each religion thinks theirs is real and the others not, much less say which one is real.
  9. It's been explained to you clearly by others. Biden hasn't committed a single crime. Trump, not to much.
  10. Trump attempted to steal the election from Biden. Is that enough off a connection for you?
  11. I understand perfectly. My point is that religious people are incapable of ever answering this question and refuse to attempt to do so. Always. Not one person here has attempted to explain how there can only be one god yet many religions not have they attempted to explain why their religion is true and the other not. It's just crickets. Put them on the spot and they fold.
  12. Next you'll be insisting that atheism is a religion. What a joke.
  13. Switzerland realises that it can't remain neutral in the face of Russian aggression and war crimes.
  14. I understand that people believe in religion. Not my question, was it? The justification for religion being a thing is to be able to explain why one particular religion is true and the others not. If that standard can't be met, the only possible logical conclusion is that none are true. Please don't feel compelled to respond unless you can directly address my question as stated repeatedly.
  15. That's my take. They were simply a precursor to the modern governments we have today. Somehow they persist, probably due to the enormous wealth they have plundered from the poor and colonization by force.
  16. Are the graphs not showing a pattern of persistent and marked increases in the temperature of the air and the seas?
  17. You didn't get there. All I want answered and I have repeated this several times is which religion is real and which are fake? Until and unless that question is answered nobody has any business claiming any religion is real. Instead, what I got was a simple definition of what religion is. As if I had no idea.
  18. Are you suggesting that their aren't zillions of people on this board who don't think it's about burning fossil fuels and that it's just a natural cycle or that the broken records are just outlier events?
  19. What can you say about those charts other than global atmospheric and sea temperatures are rising at an alarming level? That was the intention. So that uninformed people who think it's just another spurious record hot day can crawl back under their respective rocks.
  20. "the claim of knowledge that an intervening god exists." You'd need to explain what this means in terms that even a moron like me can understand.
  21. They are visually self explanatory. The trend is unmistakable and the cause of that trend can only be greenhouse gases. Human activities produce the overwhelming majority of greenhouse gases. There's really nothing to debate here.
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