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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Right, the Chinese deliberately exposed the virus to their own population first.
  2. There was no "gain off function". The virus being engineered had no relationship with coronavirus and never posed a threat to humans. You're "I don't know but" is just baseless and unsupported conspiracy theories which contravene the rules of this forum.
  3. The experiments were funded partially by the NHS and CDC as a joint project. The American drug companies benefited from research done at Wuhan. The far right vaccine conspiracy theorists love to point out that the NHS partially funded that research.
  4. No, he means the hardware check can be bypassed.
  5. Maybe ask a few Ukrainians what horror actually is?
  6. I think the ability for you to be free to insult and vilify minorities is more important for you. It's not about your feeling, it's their feelings. The old canard that offense is only taken not given.
  7. You'll only get talking points like "private education provides choice". It's code for "the poor people can eat cake and educated people don't vote for us anyway except maybe the rich who can afford private education".
  8. "Everyone knows" is code for "we have no evidence but we believe it anyway". It goes along with "the truth is out there if you open your eyes". It's just accusation / confession projection. The "figureheads" are those politicians and judges in the pockets of the mega donors. Who might they be?
  9. Is "mob mentally" a euphemism for majority democratic rule?
  10. What basis do you have for suggesting that the American electoral college is "fair"? Or even successful. Every time a president is elected with a popular minority the system fails the constitution which requires fairness in voting. Why do Republicans hate the voting rights act?
  11. All of those Republicans opposed to sending arms to Ukraine under the guise fo "fiscal responsibility". There are a few. They are all members of the freedom caucus.
  12. We Republicans only love our country if we control it. Otherwise, not so much.
  13. I thought I saw a bunch of right wing surrender monkeys.
  14. Is it some kind of right wing delusion to imagine that some Democrats will vote for RFK in a presidential election?
  15. Iran was on a leash with international inspections until trump pulled out fo the deal. This propelled Iran towards Russia and green lit its nuclear program. Just like how Trump pulled out of the SALT agreement. Trump is a wrecker and di it only to appease his mate Netanyahu. An absolutely off the leash lunatic as will be shown in the courts soon. The pallets of cash legally belonged to Iran and had been embargoed by the US. It was 400 million, not worth getting knickers in a knot about. One small order of drones from Russia covers that.
  16. Yes, but in general it's won by the popular vote. Only 5 times has it not been. That's usually a sign of tampering like gerrymandering and not a healthy sign dfor a democracy. And, yes, the US is a democratic republic and it can be fairly described as a democracy despite the right wing talking points which are just apologies for fascism.
  17. Functionally identical. They just want to remove reliance on Canonical for the package manager..
  18. The difference between these two and ubuntu is basically the desktop UI. core differences: nil.
  19. There are not 2 versions of linux mint. Apart from the desktop it's identical to ubuntu.
  20. They're just trying to downplay the importance of winning the popular vote. Hello fascism.
  21. Ubuntu is a debian distro. The main reason I see people choose mint is that it has a desktop which is more similar to windows. I have used ubuntu for the past 13 years.
  22. You think anti-semitic and racist remarks should be protected as free speech?
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