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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Unless you need super portability a mini computer with an external monitor (optional hotel TV when travelling) and external keyboard and mouse will always provide far better bang for the buck. A more powerful and capable computer with greater flexibility for less money.
  2. How was it a gaffe? Is Xi not a dictator who supports Russia and wants to invade Taiwan? Somebody has to have the guts to stand up to that. It was never going to be the previous guy.
  3. That would be to give Putin victory. A disaster for the world. Thanks to Biden that's much, much less likely to happen. Putin's calculation was that Trump would win and he wouldn't have to attack Ukraine to seize it, or at least any invasion would be short and swift. Since Biden won, Putin was forced to go forward with an invasion to realize his dreams of restoring the soviet union and he looks like losing it, largely because of Biden. You are on the wrong side of history and Biden will be famous long after he's passed on because of his support for world democracy and opposition to expansionist criminal dictators. Trump supported Putin because of his love for fascism and dictators. Biden clearly dislikes dictators since he called out Xi for what he is. That's what I like, a president with guts.
  4. I have an ASUS mini with a Ryzen 7 and 32 Gb RAM and do some heavy app compilation work. It doesn't get hot but I do hear the fan run harder. I also have an Intel i9 9900K with 16 Gb RAM and a Noctua cpu fan. It doesn't get hot either. Since the ASUS is a much less powerful machine if it were going to overheat I would have seen it. It has never frozen. Reliable AF.
  5. Then why are you blaming it on Biden's 3 year administration? As for good representatives of the USA, Biden shored up the damage that his predecessor inflicted on the UN and stood beside Ukraine as opposed to his treasonous predecessor. Biden will have a legacy of being one of the most effective presidents the US has ever had. His predecessor was a laughing stock on the world stage and will be the only modern president not to have a library..
  6. Ya'll ever tried to convict somebody on a drug use charge from a photo? It doesn't work.
  7. How the right-wing lie and spin machine plans to annihilate anyone who dares to tell the truth Little did she know that the very people whose behavior she was studying would use the power of government to try to destroy her work, funding, and even her personal life and reputation. University of Washington disinformation researcher Kate Starbird learned the hard way: according to The Washington Post she’s been sued — along with multiple other disinformation-studying academics — by groups, sites, and people who are, in many cases, affiliated with some of the more prolific purveyors of disinformation on the web. Meanwhile, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan is using the awesome power of the state to threaten disinformation researchers with jail if they don’t drop what they’re doing and submit to onerous subpoenas for correspondence and testimony. https://www.rawstory.com/kate-starbird/
  8. I have had 3 Dell laptops and 2 Dell servers, none of them ever died, they just became obsolete.
  9. I have an ASUS mini running linux with windows 11 pro in a VM but my daily driver is an Apple mac mini m2. I like linux and it was my OS of choice for a dozen years but recently changed to the mac since they brought out the mini for 20,800 baht.
  10. There were fewer bases as the US had removed several in the Philippines until China started it's recent bout of territorial expansionism. Now they are coming back.
  11. Avoid errors like this in future in one hour! ????
  12. They're in a bad place. The Hunter tapes turned out to be BS and the "crimes" were misdemeanors. Shameful that they pile on Biden Jr. because he turned to drugs when his brother died. They they are an empty suit just trying to deflect from the mountain of crimes Trump has been indicted for and the mounting evidence of the organized racketeering withing his family.
  13. You have no evidence for this inflammatory allegation and yet there is strong evidence that he took particular care not to, including retaining Trump's investigator. Stop repeating innuendo unless you can back it up. I'm not talking about the crack, rather the inference that daddy put his finger on the scales.
  14. 6 tears old? Get rid of it and buy a new one. Apple mac mini m2. 20,800 baht. If you don't travel much this would be far better than a laptop. If you travel a lot you can still use a hotel TV as a monitor and this would still be better. Only if you like to work while sitting under a coconut tree with a pina colada would I buy a laptop.
  15. Yeah, I bought more bitcoin, and some dot, eos and grt. I haven't dabbled in the crypto market for about 18 months or so when I sold just below the peak. I don't have a lot in it. I put a few shorts out on tech stocks as well and bought XLU. I thought about buying some xrp as well but I don't like all the hype it gets on YT.
  16. China will inject whatever it takes to prop up the real estate sector. The US is stock market driven but most other countries are real estate driven. China has a lot of resources to inject liquidity and there may be another round coming soon.
  17. I'm inclined to agree re DOT. I see that Robinhood are delisting ADA and SOL so that pretty much leaves DOT as the last one standing. I'll keep and eye on it. It may move slowly due to BTC dominance. It has 10x potential if it beats its last high.
  18. BTC pays nothing to anybody. A ponzi scheme pays dividends.
  19. I believe he got what most people would expect. Probably even on the harsher side by all accounts. Biden has taken great care, as outlined in the post you responded to, to ensure that there could be no perception of interference. Of course, that's just too inconvenient for MAGA to accept. To believe that daddy did interfere is actually naive. It would have been grounds for impeachment had he done so. It was also open to Biden to pardon his own son. That he did not do so is telling.
  20. Probably need to look up the definition of a ponzi scheme. This isn't it. I was bearish on BTC and predicted a drop to 24,000. It got to 24,800 so I was a ways off. Now I'm bullish because of the Blackrock ETF proposal. It is still in the sell zone unless it clears 30k but if it does that 40k will be the next target.
  21. The answer is an easy one. Today's slaves aren't slaves and are better off as a result. This just another slave apology post. Unsanitary conditions, inadequate nutrition and unrelenting hard labor made slaves highly susceptible to disease. Illnesses were generally not treated adequately, and slaves were often forced to work even when sick. The rice plantations were the most deadly. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/aia/part4/4p2956.html
  22. I haven't tried it. Bought it by accident. It's very cheap and readily available so worth trying.
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