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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The right wing can't grasp that the most serious charges (felonies) are obstruction of justice and espionage not NARA misdemeanors. Just like they can't grasp that Trump lost the election.
  2. Kevin McCarthy lets it slip he thinks Trump is going to jail "Do you think it's equal and fair that a political opponent is gonna be given jail time — but a presidential son — and if you compare this to other individuals in America that have the same accusations against them, the same crimes that they had been guilty of, they are proposed to have ten years and another time period?" McCarthy said to CNN's Manu Raju. https://www.rawstory.com/kevin-mccarthy-trump-jail/
  3. 9/11 was aided and abetted by Saudi government officials in Saudi Arabia. https://theintercept.com/2021/09/11/september-11-saudi-arabia/
  4. Not then but I do now. The US attacked Afghanistan because it got the name of the perpetrating country wrong. 15 of 19 9/11 bombers were Saudis. None were Afghans. It should also be noted that Trump turned Iran into an enemy of the US and pushed it towards Russia.
  5. Here's the real deep state in action. We won't be seeing too many MAGA cultists defending this. Justice Samuel Alito took luxury fishing vacation with GOP billionaire who later had cases before the court “If you were good friends, what were you doing ruling on his case?” said Charles Geyh, an Indiana University law professor and leading expert on recusals. “And if you weren’t good friends, what were you doing accepting this?” referring to the flight on the private jet. Leonard Leo, the longtime leader of the conservative Federalist Society, attended and helped organize the Alaska fishing vacation. https://www.rawstory.com/alito-fishing-trip/
  6. I noticed that it was very hot today in Pattaya. The good news is that it might get cooler from here on in. Until next year when it will be even hotter due to global warming.
  7. You misquoted him. The senile old fool actually said "If you could just find me... ugh... 11,780 votes".
  8. They don't want to be the rats that went down with the sinking ship. Now, belatedly trying to clean up their act and look "fair and balanced".
  9. China has been on track to become the world's largest economy for decades. It's a product of 1 over billion people. India is likely to become number one because of it's much younger population. No politically manipulated currency will ever become a reserve currency.
  10. Indeed. You are a case in point of Trump losing the support of his base. Realization that he can't / won't win is setting in. Unfortunately the GOP has chosen the outside barrier by hanging on too long.
  11. Why was it considered necessary to make the order?
  12. No legal counsel opposes a motion which they know will be granted. I'm sure trump would have preferred to be free to make that info public, traitor that he is.
  13. No more than the far right have any evidence to support the same accusation against the dems. If there's any deep state its the dark money behind the Federalist society and supreme court nominations and subsequent sc decisions.,
  14. The Republicans have been railing against Xi and China for ages now. Ever since Trump wanted the Chinese to pay for tariffs (LOL). Now they are caught between a rock and a hard place because Biden is also calling out China. The right can't keep their ducks in a row for tripping over their talking points.
  15. The "evidence" was all about the tapes. There was, to my knowledge, no other claims of the existence of evidence of wrongdoing. Correct me with links if I'm wrong.
  16. Trump is unlikely to be convicted of NARA violations and they are misdemeanors anyway. Trump will be convicted on the far more serious charges of obstruction and espionage, two elements missing in the Biden and Pence document transgressions.
  17. Two unsupported claims which are patently false. Congress (multiple members thereof) have admitted the tapes don't exist. What evidence? Given that you italicized your assertion it's now incumbent upon you to put up.
  18. It's been a feature of every election ever held in the US at least. It's the reason that Trump railed against the mail in vote. You will note that your talking points are out of date as Trump is now encouraging mail in voting after realizing that his ploy worked against him. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/15/politics/trump-republicans-mail-in-voting/index.html
  19. He was not president at the time despite the quaint US habit of calling officials by their one time titles forever.
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