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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Unlike Hunter Biden, none of Trump's kids have ever held a real job that was a name branding deal or a direct result of nepotism.
  2. It wasn't up to Biden. He was right. Nobody believes the CIA and the Bush white house didn't lie about the WMD. As for deep state, LOL.
  3. 1. Nobody said it was alright but you want to deny any mitigating circumstances. As I said, it doesn't matter what the pitchfork posse thinks, it's how the justice system works. 2. Hunter is not the "big guy". Notice that the justice system can't find any evidence that a bribe was either offered to or taken by the president. Take a chill pill, the sound of right wing heads exploding can be heard all the way from Pattaya.
  4. Here telling the guys who think this was the crime of the century that it wasn't.
  5. It seems that the tax offenses occurred around 2017, approximately two years after his brother's death and while Hunter was a drug addict and while he didn't have daddy's money to pay for his coke habit and so failed to pay his taxes. None of this matters to the rabid right but the justice system does recognize mitigating circumstances. Let me know iof I have got any of the timeline wrong.
  6. Not televising the trial would be a hit on free speech. The public have a right to know the full facts of this matter as it is decidedly in the public interest.
  7. I gave the reason. Why would anyone debate with someone who makes a habit of neither providing nor reading links?
  8. Nobody wants kindergartners to be shown that and nor has any kindergartner ever bee shown that. As for gender reassignment surgery, it's totally up to doctors, parents and the child. No fascists should have any say. Abortions are likewise totally between women and doctors. Not fascists and religious whack jobs.
  9. Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement,[1][2][3] characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy wiki
  10. "Wanting opposing views heard in schools and universities is fascism". Please stop insulting our intelligence.
  11. Read the definition above, You might not like it but controlling womens rights is fascism - by definition.
  12. Get an education Many experts agree that fascism is a mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen.
  13. He doesn't just have an opinion, he's forcing laws to deny women their rights - fascism right there.
  14. War on education, particularly American racial history is one. Abortion rights is another. Leave education up to the educators. Irrelevant anyway, DeSantis is way too fascist for the masses and won't get the vote. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/ron-desantis/
  15. So he could ingratiate himself with Putin - no other plausible explanation.
  16. The question I would put in court would be "Did you ever play golf after you received the subpoena?
  17. He's been indicted for some of the worst crimes that can be committed against the nation with even worse crimes under investigation and signals that they will also be indicted.
  18. That's because the courts allowed voting on Saturday - precisely what I was talking about. The GOP was crying about that bigly.
  19. The GOP were on record for removing drop boxes last election. Georgia had to get a court to force voting on Saturday.
  20. No, the opposite. Voting occurs only on a work day, who does that benefit and who does that harm? The GOP want to restrict mail in voting, same deal as above. Gerrymandering. Requirements for id when no fraud exists. The list goes on and on.
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