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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It should but I have heard of it detecting too much hardware change and demanding you re-enter the licence key. Since you are on a budget and not gaming (I assume from your hardware) I would recommend you go with linux ubuntu. It's free and is easy to use.
  2. It's usually recommended to buy RAM in pairs although not absolutely necessary. One scenariuo where you might buy a single stick of RAM is if you plan on buying another identical stick when you can afford it. You can just use that SSD on the board. If you mainly browse, i5 is good, or Ryzen 5. 16 Gb RAM is good but 8 Gb is enough if you want to defer purchasing more RAM later. Drives are cheap, look at buying a smallish nvme at around 512 Gb. Use external drives for extra storage. I recommend buying a new power supply as well since yours is old.
  3. Apparently the lack of any cap to the debt ceiling is both unusual and very significant. It could lead to a further round of QE even as interest rates rise. Just my thoughts.
  4. You appear not to understand that people get the virus from others who may be asymptomatic.
  5. The majority of big media companies are public. Only right wingers reading conspiracy sites read beyond the first 2 lines? Fox shareholders are currently suing over this very issue of not protecting shareholder value.
  6. The constitution of every company on the stock market requires that the directors do everything legal in their power to maximise share value. This is a tenet across all public companies. Were they doing as you suggest it would damage their profits. That said, are right wing "non mainstream" media outlets telling the truth and "fair and balanced"?
  7. At a guess I'd say it means that there is more covid around, just like the news claims.
  8. Charles Darwin lived a long time ago. So long ago that they didn't have any modern technology such as DNA, etc and yet he was still able to posit a pretty good theory of evolution just by observation. The mere fact that dogs have 2 forward looking eyes, 5 toes, ears and a nose just like us is no coincidence. And it's not just one animal.
  9. Disingenuous trolling is becoming a problem around here. It's entirely the reason I have reduced my presence in recent weeks.
  10. Prison has been shown to have limited deterrent value, the death sentence is unarguably little deterrence against murder. The real prison experience has been to produce hardened criminals rather than rehabilitate them. Then there is the profit motive in America and the bond system of course. The whole industry is rotten to the core.
  11. Translation: If we get DeSantis for president his wife will be the real power, just like the GOP claimed about Hilary and Michelle.
  12. No 68. Two were Australian GP's in Darwin and one in Adelaide.
  13. Maybe just abandon the national records archives? Future presidents don't need those documents anyways.
  14. No reason to treat people like animals just because they got sent to prison. The whole idea of prison is supposed to be reform and life sentences don't adhere to that principle and remove all hope. The death penalty has resulted in many innocents going to the death chamber. It's barbaric.
  15. The children are dressed like they just stepped off the set of The Handmaiden's Tale. I wonder if that was deliberate?
  16. Removing 87,000 agents from the IRS to protect tax cheating by the rich is the most pernicious public policy initiative I've ever heard of. This money now has to be paid by the poor or the poor will go without. The narcissism gap is enormous.
  17. So, in general do you think it's better to get it done that not? 2 GP's were quote adamant that I should just leave it while one said I should do it.
  18. Totally in love, that's why Trump was off sowing wild oats when Melania was pregnant with their youngest child.
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