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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Most people on the planet aren't in a position toi do much if anything individually. It requires a collective effort, not individual action as you keep harping on about. You seem to disdain the poor who can't afford to do anything about it. Many here criticise activists because they don't take sailboats when they travel. That's really a puerile attitude. Them, not you but maybe you could do with some introspection on the human condition instead of just waffling on about how you have solar power.
  2. I'm 68, I get out frequently when time permits. I've been to Bangkok twice in the past month to exhibitions, went to Nana Plaza on both occasions and soi cowboy on one. I went to soi 6 today, met some nice girls, got a line number. I cancelled a couple of engagements tonight to take a rest. I went to Republic nightclub in walking street about a month ago with friends. Two weeks ago wen to Koh Larn for my first visit and went to the Pattaya music festival Koh Larn edition. But generally I'm pretty quiet.
  3. He's a Putin puppet and friend of Trump. The EU will act against him soon. I understand that as a brexiteer you might like that. Actually, everybody would like that come to think it. One defense strategy might be to strip Hungary of its membership in the European Parliament’s main center-right grouping. That would allow E.U. leaders to reduce the subsidies Hungary receives as a member state. Pretty quickly, Orban would have to choose between upholding respect for E.U. values and losing the benefits that come with being a member of the club. https://time.com/4737948/viktor-orban-hungary-europe/
  4. Nope. That was the doublespeak excuse. Trump's fealty to Putin was the real motive. Now, the president’s repeatedly stated desire to withdraw from NATO is raising new worries among national security officials amid growing concern about Mr. Trump’s efforts to keep his meetings with Mr. Putin secret from even his own aides, and an F.B.I. investigation into the administration’s Russia ties. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html Former National Security Advisor John Bolton says 'Putin was waiting' for Trump to withdraw the United States from NATO in his second term https://www.businessinsider.com/bolton-putin-waiting-for-trump-to-withdraw-from-nato-in-2nd-term-2022-3 President Donald Trump has reportedly suggested on multiple occasions that the United States withdraw from NATO — a maneuver that would roil the global community and signal a major victory for Russia. Trump has made no secret of his disdain for NATO, which he once declared was “obsolete.” According to the Times, his repeated requests to withdraw from NATO have rattled administration officials, especially as concerns about his interactions with Russia and President Vladimir Putin grow. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/15/18183759/trump-pull-out-of-nato-nyt-mattis
  5. Unlike you, always. Ironically, I believe you are the king of failing to provide links. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-we-rise/2022/05/17/preventing-racial-hate-crimes-means-tackling-white-supremacist-ideology/ Of the 6,312 known offenders: 56.1% were White 21.3% were Black or African American 13.5% race unknown https://www.justice.gov/hatecrimes/hate-crime-statistics https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2212757120
  6. You right winger s really don't like research or facts. https://news.gallup.com/opinion/polling-matters/268340/analyzing-surveys-banning-assault-weapons.aspx Nearly half of Americans (49 percent) support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons, while 45 percent oppose it. https://www.mercurynews.com/2023/02/06/poll-finds-plummeting-support-for-national-assault-weapon-ban/ Below is a list of policies surrounding gun ownership in the United States. How much do you support or oppose each of the following? Banning assault-style weapons Strongly support 1056 53% Somewhat support 243 12% Somewhat oppose 192 10% Strongly oppose 321 16% Don’t know / No opinion 164 8% https://www.politico.com/f/?id=00000186-0e06-df27-abcf-8f6fd4780000&nname=playbook-pm&nid=0000015a-dd3e-d536-a37b-dd7fd8af0000&nrid=0000014e-f115-dd93-ad7f-f91513e50001&nlid=964328
  7. I didn't hate on elderly white guys. I'm an elderly white guy. I pointed out that they are the crux of the problem in the main.
  8. That's the fox business model doing it;s thing. Fear and outrage, the right wing foibles.
  9. Most people are of the opinion that it's the duty of our elected representatives to keep dangerous weapons out of society, thereby alleviating the need to spend our lives reenacting an ok corral gunfight to save ourselves from lunatics.
  10. But for the fossil fuel industry the Republican party would barely exist.
  11. A number of times which is why you don't see it again. Climate change deniers aren't fond of reading links and you've just demonstrated that.
  12. I don't think the case is going to turn on that question. In fact I doubt that it will even be mentioned. This is a rape case.
  13. I don't know what went down faster, TSLA shares or the rocket.
  14. Any of the shooters I referred to by any chance?
  15. No, I stand by my claim that ONLY humans have contributed to global warming and that any natural climate change effects have acted in the opposite direction to cool the climate. So the net effect has been an overwhelming increase in global warming ALL caused by human activity.
  16. Meaning (to almost all people) that only humans have had any impact on climate change since the industrial era, the time span of most interest and the only one of any relevance to this topic. Since the last 50 years or so, climate change has generally been accepted as meaning anthropomorphic clime change (or lack of it) in the industrial era since we have been burning fossil fuels and releasing large amounts of methane and carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Don't pretend that anyone here is interested in climate change in neanderthal times because that's not what this topic is about. So we don't have to thread any more needles, ONLY human activities have had any significant effect on climate change since 1900 and, to the extent that natural climate change has occurred it has been to cool the planet, not warm it. Humans have overwhelmingly caused the planet's climate to warm up and done so rapidly.
  17. The ones which come from the most credible sources. Not all sources are equal. Consensus and peer review also mean a lot to me.
  18. Because the world is too big or because God wouldn't let it happen?
  19. If you believe that race is linked to the way people behave then you're racist.
  20. Surely every person here implicitly understands that the climate change argument is about man made climate change and that has only occurred since the industrial revolution and specifically much more recently, like since about 1900? That climate change before that is irrelevant unless it affects the change since humans put their thumb on the scale?
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