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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. In the US they call that funding "single payer". It's what Obama tried to do with Obamacare but the republicans wouldn't have it. Something something communism I believe.
  2. In my country universal health is mostly funded by direct income tax deduction at a rate.
  3. Somehow a 2.3 trillion dollar tax reduction didn't increase the debt? Trump’s most enduring legacy could be the historic rise in the national debt It rose almost $7.8 trillion during his time in the White House — approaching World War II levels, relative to the size of the economy. Most of the government’s borrowing to fund pandemic relief has been shorter-term borrowing that will have to be refinanced in the coming years. If rates rise, so will the government’s interest expense. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/01/14/trump-legacy-national-debt-increasee/
  4. Hangry bacteria in your gut microbiome are linked to chronic disease – feeding them what they need could lead to happier cells and a healthier body The ultraprocessed food that makes up an increasing part the American diet has removed vital nutrients from food. Adding those nutrients back may be important for health in part by feeding the microbiome and mitochondria that turn food into fuel. Research has consistently shown that the Mediterranean diet and other whole food diets are associated with better health and longer lives, and ultraprocessed foods and drinks like soda, chips and fast food, among others, are linked with poor health outcomes such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and other diseases. Equally important is what to add back into diets: fibers, phytonutrients, micronutrients, missing fats and fermented foods. https://theconversation.com/hangry-bacteria-in-your-gut-microbiome-are-linked-to-chronic-disease-feeding-them-what-they-need-could-lead-to-happier-cells-and-a-healthier-body-199486
  5. The AR15 and similar guns are used most commonly in mass shootings.
  6. So, what happened to $2.3T in tax cuts? It's estimated that only about 1T went back into the economy because, as we all know, trickle down economics is another big GOP lie. "assumed 3 percent average annual growth in the president’s budget " https://www.politico.com/story/2018/02/28/tax-cuts-trump-gop-analysis-430781
  7. The chart shows a massive debt increase due to trump's tax cut. Prior to that it was leveling out and reducing slightly. Obama's debt increase was stimulus to save the economy, not a gift to the rich.
  8. I don't think sleepy Joe is losing too much sleep over the prospect of facing Trump in 2024. Senate Republicans, including members of leadership and even Trump allies, say former President Trump should stay out of the 2024 Senate primaries, hoping to avoid a repeat of last year’s disappointing midterm elections. They view Trump as becoming more of a political liability in next year’s Senate races as his legal problems mount. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3940014-senate-gop-trump-2024-races/
  9. Biden's dollar seems to be be doing nicely today. The prospects of another rate rise because of strong jobs numbers is pushing it up. The market had priced in softer jobs numbers but got caught wrong footed.
  10. This looks like a challenging week for the GOP President Biden has for months told Americans that “ultra MAGA” Republicans want to end or curb rights when it comes to abortion, gun safety, racial and gender equity, and public education. Conservatives, unfazed, have affirmed that image during recent events while majorities of voters suggest Republicans may be overreaching with the party’s legal and cultural battles. https://thehill.com/newsletters/morning-report/3941958-the-hills-morning-report-this-looks-like-a-challenging-week-for-the-gop/
  11. There's been no permanent decline in the USD. In 1979 when I first came to Thailand I recall that AUD was $1.20 US. Now it's 0.67c
  12. I was pointing out the failings of the gold standard and why it wasn't a good idea then, why it got dumped by Nixon and why it's not a good idea now.
  13. The only problem I can see is the corrupt right wing Supreme Court stepping in to stop the count because it hit a deadline after court challenges stalls it, thereby handing the election to the Republicans. Does that sound familiar? It should ????
  14. Just pointing out the fallacy of right wing politics. You're welcome ????
  15. The right wing love Musk but here he is farming out American jobs to the Chinese for profit. Go figure. Exactly what I said recently about the right voting against their own interests because the rich know how to play a useful idiot.
  16. One wonders why he took the job? Why have so many Republicans turned against him?
  17. How Did the Gold Standard Contribute to the Great Depression? A number of complex factors helped to create the conditions necessary for the Great Depression—adherence to the gold standard was just one of those factors. President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to take the United States off the gold standard may have helped to ease the worst effects of the Depression. Great Britain became the first to drop off the gold standard in 1931. But the United States didn’t abandon gold for another two years, deepening the pain of the Great Depression. https://www.history.com/news/how-did-the-gold-standard-contribute-to-the-great-depression
  18. Haha, you keep bashing this old canard. It's got nothing to do with the tax rate paid by each income quintile.
  19. China has restrictions on convertibility. Yuan is an internal currency anyway, Renmimbi is their external currency. It will never be a reserve currency while there are restrictions on convertibility.
  20. The Brits turn their back on Europe and then wonder why Europeans disdain travelling there. Go figure.
  21. It's not been proven false that the Democrats eat babies either. The allegation has been made but no evidence produced in a court. Same same.
  22. over and over and over again in innumerable court cases where no evidence was ever provided.
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