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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Rapid fire guns should also be banned as well as high velocity small calibre weapons designed specifically to kill humans at short range. Real hunting rifles are all bolt action.
  2. because large numbers of credible authorities are saying so. Not all of us want to walk on the wild side. There is strong evidence that eating high amounts of red meat increases the risk of colorectal cancer. https://www.aicr.org/cancer-prevention/food-facts/red-meat-beef-pork-lamb/ https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/food-guidelines-and-food-labels/red-meat-and-the-risk-of-bowel-cancer/ https://www.cancercouncil.com.au/1in3cancers/lifestyle-choices-and-cancer/red-meat-processed-meat-and-cancer/ https://progressreport.cancer.gov/prevention/red_meat https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/diet-and-cancer/does-eating-processed-and-red-meat-cause-cancer https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/red-meat-and-colon-cancer https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/your-guide-to-eating-less-red-meat.h26Z1590624.html https://www.cancercenter.com/community/blog/2021/07/red-meat-cancer-risk https://www.cancer.org.au/cancer-information/causes-and-prevention/diet-and-exercise/meat-and-cancer-risk https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/article/detail/risk-of-colon-cancer-from-red-meat https://health.clevelandclinic.org/link-red-meat-cancer-need-know/ https://www.wcrf.org/diet-activity-and-cancer/cancer-prevention-recommendations/limit-red-and-processed-meat/ https://www.sutterhealth.org/health/nutrition/does-meat-cause-cancer
  3. "preliminary investigations" dated 2019 before most of the rest of the world had even heard of covid. Now there' research pointing to racoon dogs, whatever they are. Particularly notable was the raccoon-dog mitochondrial DNA found in six samples from two stalls. These small fox-like animals are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, and can spread the infection to other raccoon dogs without showing clear signs of sickness2. Raccoon dogs and masked palm civets have also been found with infections of viruses that are almost identical to the one that causes severe acute respiratory syndrome, which is related to SARS-CoV-2 and caused an outbreak in people in 2003. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-00827-2
  4. Bill Barr's misconduct should no longer shield Trump's corruption So what Alvin Bragg actually did by bringing the Trump indictment was to vindicate the constitutional system that Bill Barr corruptly sabotaged over and over again. Yet there is one defense of Trump, repeated even by people who aren’t his sycophants, that does demand closer examination – the claim that Bragg, a local prosecutor, shouldn’t bring charges that the Justice Department already rejected. But we should also remember what the Justice Department said about Michael Cohen in its sentencing memorandum, which insisted on a prison term despite his cooperation: “His offenses strike at several pillars of our society and system of government: the payment of taxes; transparent and fair elections; and truthfulness before government and in business.” https://www.rawstory.com/barr-indictments/
  5. Never heard of him. Is he an Alex Jones clone, working from the same playbook?
  6. But what I don't buy is that academic institutions are part of this information cycle. Without exception, they always stipulate that donors to research can't attempt to influence the outcome of that research. Furthermore, drug companies are usually required by law to fund research into their drug trials and likewise can't influence the outcome of those trials. To believe otherwise is just more conspiracy theories. The real problem is industry itself lobbying politicians with donations to not crack down on their crap food cash cows. Look at what happens to suggestions to implement a sugar tax.
  7. I know you're joking but there'd be a return to smaller grocery stores as the huge supermarkets would go broke as they mainly sell processed and packaged foods. All the fast food chains would disappear. The government health budget would shrink dramatically, freeing up money for other things like education. Only the rich would crash.
  8. What? why? That's all I wear. Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world. I walk down any road at any time and have never had a problem. On the beach itself, I'd agree but Pattaya's beach road is very busy into the wee hours. The street is bristling with CCTV cameras. Good advice. What's the problem with ATM's?
  9. In general you should run apps on the local drive and store data on the external drive. At least that's the most common scenario. The pro has at least a 512 Gb drive, doesn't that have enough space for all your installed apps?
  10. Maybe the rivers were frozen over from the ice ages?
  11. There are many more credible sites that aren't the FDA. There seems to be a tendency around here to suggest that all of them are int he same boa6t and that we should listen to some random YouTuber for information.
  12. My understanding was that the US military was primarily concerned with attacking the Taliban and for protecting themselves. The Afghan army was responsible for protecting their own. Was that not true?
  13. From what I understand, meat was not a huge feature of the paleo diet. What meat there was is more likely to have been fish, eggs, insects, lizards and the occasional wild game. Wild game isn't that easy to hunt and kill. There would have been much more foraging than hunting. Just my opinion. There wasn't cattle and sheep husbandry and the hunters were as likely to become food as kill it. Just my opinion.
  14. Thomas would say they met in a Walmart car park. He apparently hangs out in them frequently, if he is to be believed. </sarc>
  15. You know every well that the CIC responds to advice from his military, not the other way round. In what way was the miscalculation made by Biden. He delayed the withdrawal beyond the date set by Trump, that has been made clear.
  16. Clarence Thomas defends undisclosed 'family trips' with GOP megadonor – but here are the facts A law passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal, the Ethics in Government Act, requires Supreme Court justices and many other federal officials to report most gifts to the public. The exemption states that gifts of “food, lodging, or entertainment received as personal hospitality” don’t have to be disclosed. It only applies to gifts received from an individual at that person’s home or at properties that they or their family own. https://www.rawstory.com/thomas-trips-2659756744/
  17. Did Biden try to overthrow an election? Did he even pay lip service to a single anti democratic sentiment? Cut with the patronizing oh dear crap. We're not all children here. If you've got an argument to make then make it. Innuendo is deserving of ridicule. Don't make an inflammatory accusation if you're not prepared to support it with at a least a considered argument. Nobody sane characterises Biden as a fascist within the dictionary definition of the term. I know the far right barely speaks English these days due to their co-opting of normal words as insults but that's a different topic.
  18. How does it make any difference if she's 100% Thai or 25% Thai? She's got as much right to claim Thai and for the Thai's to claim her as any farang has to claim their nationality, given the mixed up mess of genes we all are.
  19. Just more conspiracy theory. Do you bother to send your children to school?
  20. I still don't buy that you are unaware of this. I don't even buy that you have a life outside the forum, lol. The military made the miscalculation, not Biden.
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