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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. For about the 9th time this is NOT about not wanting Palestinians. It is about not wanting Israel to succeed in expelling the entire Palestinian population to another country as it did to 2 million refugees who now live in Leabanon.
  2. Islamophobia is just as rife in Australia as is antisemitism. Neither is restricted to one party as claimed in the article. The problem with the Murdoch press is to push only one side of the story, as always. Ballooning Islamophobic and antisemitic sentiment is a global trend, the director of policy at the Community Security Trust in the UK, Dr Dave Rich, said. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/nov/10/islamophobic-and-antisemitic-incidents-rise-in-australia-advocates-say
  3. Read some history, it does not. At no time did any one religion have an exclusive claim to the land. The ethnic and religious groups were intermingled and poorly defined.
  4. This is the far right wing desperate to conflate antizionism with antisemitism. We see not one word of how their favourite whipping boys (academia, unions, and the media) are actually antisemitic. This is pure anti-intellectualism. The Murdoch press whipping up ignorance among the yobbo class to protect the rich as usual. The headline gives the game away as purely political. I hope the oz parliament don't go the way of the extreme right wing US House in passing a resolution conflating a nationalist movement with religion. Personally, I can't see it happening in the far more centrist society that is Australia. This is nothing more than islamophobia trying to shut down legitimate criticism of a nation credibly accused of genocide and trying to shut down any debate about it.
  5. Question is why not libre office? I would not use dual boot but use a VM instead. Virtual box. Easy to create VLC is a good substitute for win media player
  6. Trump, 77, won in South Carolina with voters who are white and do not have a college degree, one of his core constituencies. About two-thirds of Trump’s backers in this election fell into that group. But his challenge is that those voters were just 37% of the electorate in the November 2020 presidential election. The other 63% identified as moderate or liberal, the two categories that Trump lost to Haley in South Carolina. https://apnews.com/article/who-voted-how-south-carolina-primary-trump-haley-86a0c7960e5c3c7f88ec1c9a330be53e
  7. None of which justifies war crimes against civilians.
  8. And then bombed the areas they told them to go to. That said, it doesn't absolve Israel from a war crime if they went ahead and bombed them after telling them to leave.
  9. Others have made that claim here. I agree that it is untruthful to say that countries are not required to protect civilians in war including not preventing the flow of water, food and humanitarian assistance to the enemy's civilian population.
  10. I agree with your point about religion and it not happening. I think it's beyond contention that both Hitler and Netanyahu represent the extreme right wing in their respective countries. As did Emperor Hirohito in Japan. and no, I am not making a comparison between Hitler and Netanyahu beyond that point. Similar to European nations like Italy and Germany, nationalism and aggressive expansionism began to rise to prominence in Japan after World War I. In 1932, a group of right-wing Army and Navy officers succeeded in assassinating the Prime Minister Inukai Tsuyoshi. The plot fell short of staging a complete coup d’état, but it effectively ended rule by political parties in Japan and consolidated the power of the military elite under the dictatorship of Emperor Hirohito. https://courses.lumenlearning.com/suny-hccc-worldhistory2/chapter/fascism-in-japan/
  11. No idea, it's a saying. The problem for Trump would be the moderators attempting to make him answer the questions. edit: William Buckley was a convict who escaped a penal colony in 1803. It was thought his chances of survival were very small leading to the phrase "you've got Buckley's or none" (or simply "you've got Buckley's").
  12. I remember a time in the mid 80's when some US marines were at the boxing ring under the marine bar in walking street. One particularly fit individual sized up one of the muay Thai boxers and decided it would be a no contest since he was much bigger. Needless to say, he was taken out within moments and was pretty hurt, not just his feelings. It was a profitable day for the locals as much money changed hands before the fight.
  13. It's rather curious that they don't see the Russia Ukraine war as part of a prophecy. Or any other war. I wonder why? Not.
  14. Have you ever considered that you might be a victim of propaganda fuelled by companies with a vested interest and huge amounts of money? Most doctors smoke Camel.
  15. I do https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/48675-british-attitudes-to-the-israel-gaza-conflict-february-2024-update
  16. You do make a compelling argument here. It is true that Trump does need her money and perhaps he can pretend to be a moderate but I don't think anyone will buy that line. Not that I think Haley is particularly moderate. I think her anti Russia feelings and Trump's obeisance to Putin would be a deal breaker for her as well in the VP pick.
  17. I think the number of voters who truly believe that Biden is too old but Trump isn't must number in the single digits. I read that she's about to launch a major ad campaign so she's not going anywhere. Haley can obviously read the tea leaves in the bottom of the cup of Trump's legal woes. And his lack of money to combat her ad onslaught. If her voters do stay home, Biden wins because he turned out a record number of voters in 2020 and they didn't do it out of love for Biden.
  18. You're assuming that her voters are disaffected dems and not largely comprised of republicans who don't like trump. I can't see it.
  19. I don't think she has any delusions that he would pick a non white woman as a running mate, especially one who has caused him all this angst. The question is does she hate Trump more than her party loyalty?
  20. If your figure of 500,000 protesters is correct that's about 5% of the total population of Israel (including Arabs) turning out for a protest. Perhaps it might be time for Natanyahu to do the honorable thing and call an election?
  21. Complete rubbish. After years oif the holocaust, Germans are very contrite and are now among Israel's best friends. Same goes for Japan. The problem occurs when the extreme right wing gain control of a country. Yitzhak Rabin signed a peace treaty with the Palestinians, how did that work out for him?
  22. I'm totally sick of the "this war started on Oct 7" mantra and the delusion that it's all Hamas' fault and that they attacked out of the blue with no history.
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