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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Capitol rioter who pepper sprayed Brian Sicknick slapped with six-year prison sentence https://www.rawstory.com/capitol-rioter-sentence-2659321740/
  2. Prices for many things in Pattaya are significantly higher now than they were 9 months ago when I came back. Show me a restaurant that doesn't have stickers over the old prices on menus.
  3. I'm not sure why it didn't make sense to you. I dislike a lot of white people and like a lot of black people despite being white. The article basically referred to stereotyping and suggested that nobody is immune to that. The article is nuanced and will be based on accepted psychology. CNN did print a disclaimer that they don't endorse the opinions of the writer yet you still took the opportunity to bash them. Predictable really.
  4. It's not unusual for people to be war hawks and talk the tough talk so long as they aren't the ones doing the fighting. I guess a lot of those young Russian guys got medical exemptions for bone spurs.
  5. Who was shocked. Something like this was always going to happen with all the anti Pelosi hate speech flying around. The FBI have their hands full now,
  6. Pattaya is crowded right now and the Chinese tour groups are just getting started. More Russians are also likely to arrive. Anyone thinking it's going to drop off are probably delusional.
  7. The religious right are in control now. The most far right government in Israeli history.
  8. We could see a stock market crash next week. Technical indicators are showing a divergence between the S&P market price and the RSI. This would also affect crypto and gold negatively. It will be interesting to see if it happens. Intel posted a dismal forecast today. The Fed are also in disagreement with the market and the saying is never fight the Fed. If they raise interest rates by more than 0.25% next week, it's on.
  9. seemed like you were just playing for the team. Anyway, off topic
  10. He was replying to another member's off topic post. Why didn't you complain about that?
  11. Are comets flat too? https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/01/26/comets-meteors-planets-supermoons-sightings-2023/11125642002/
  12. Donald Trump's administration executed 13 federal inmates in his last six months in office -- a stunning increase over three executions in 60 years. Six of the 13 executions came after Trump lost the 2020 election as his Justice Department accelerated the schedule ahead of the incoming Joe Biden administration, which halted federal executions, but the former president has already promised to resume -- and increase -- executions in he wins back his old office. Trump has long been a public champion of the death penalty, going back to the full-page ad he took out in the New York Daily News calling for the executions of the "Central Park Five," who were later exonerated by DNA evidence, and making what he called a "strong" case to carry out more executions when he first jumped into the 2016 campaign. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-penalty/?traffic_source=Connatix
  13. F-16 fighter jets could be next after Ukraine’s breakthrough on tanks https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3832384-f-16-fighter-jets-could-be-next-after-ukraines-breakthrough-on-tanks/
  14. Russia was also facing the reality of a declining economy due to less demand for fossil fuels. Putin saw the annexation of Ukraine with it's rich agricultural lands, strong industrial base and mineral wealth as a way of making Russia great again and cementing his legacy to boot. One reason that NATO is pushing back so hard is that economic value that Ukraine has and the west's reliance upon it. Unfortunately for Putin a million Russians didn't buy it and fled the country, many to Thailand. I think that perhaps many Chinese won't buy into their government's plans either and Thailand will have a greater influx of "war refugees".
  15. In fact, the report detailed “numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump campaign,” and it established both how Moscow had worked to help Trump win and how his campaign had expected to benefit from the foreign interference.
  16. Trump slapped down by judge in bid to avoid Jan. 6 Capitol cop trial According to a report from Bloomberg News, US District Judge Amit Mehta poured called cold water of the former president's bid to get out from under the lawsuit by claiming presidential immunity. The report states, "The arguments raised by Trump and other defendants were 'in large part duplicative of those the court already considered and addressed' in a previous civil suit against the former president, Mehta wrote. In that case, Mehta ruled that Trump’s speech at a rally preceding the riot went beyond protections afforded by the First Amendment and those shielding presidents from civil liability while in office." https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-jan-6-capitol-cops/
  17. Just another wacko American religious cult. I'm not trying to denigrate Americans but they seem to be the epicenter of these monstrosities. If it wasn't a religion I'd do some research to understand why.
  18. U.S. Dismisses Russia's Reaction to Abrams Tanks: 'Heard That Line Before' https://www.newsweek.com/us-dismisses-russia-reaction-abrams-tanks-heard-line-before-pentagon-ukraine-1776999
  19. A British teenager was on Friday sentenced to more than 11 years in prison for videos promoting racist violence that have been linked to two mass killings in the United States. Judge Patrick Field called Daniel Harris, 19, "highly dangerous" and a "propagandist for an extremist right-wing ideology". Prosecutors said a link was also found between Harris's videos and Anderson Lee Aldrich, 22, the sole suspect in a shooting in a gay nightclub in the US city of Colorado Springs in November 2022. https://www.rawstory.com/uk-teen-jailed-for-far-right-videos-linked-to-us-killings/
  20. Or Serbia and Hungary I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  21. It's a serious post. An analogy to Trump's achievement in brokering a deal between two non enemies.
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