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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3775812-fauci-responds-to-desantis-call-for-covid-19-vaccine-investigation/ I’m not sure what they’re trying to do down there,” he said. “It has been politicized and it has been politicized in a way that has actually cost lives,” Fauci added of the vaccine, calling the COVID-19 virus the “common enemy” that Americans should unite around regardless of party, and in spite of mis- and disinformation.
  2. CNN are reporting on cable TV that the committee will add a third charge to their recommendation - Insurrection.
  3. You're not fooling anybody. What a lame attempt to cover your previous gaffe.
  4. That's the problem with putting the royals on a pedestal. They are just as mortal as anyone else and subject to the same weaknesses and foibles anyone else. Stop tugging the forelock.
  5. Any idea why modelling is so important and ubiquitous in statistics and the medical profession?
  6. The chances of that action prevailing are next to nil. Wait and see.
  7. Yes, of course. They all employed moderators. Link to your claim that NAID (whoever they are) is being sued?
  8. Here's something that DeSantis' grand jury might contemplate Intelligence agencies didn’t move fast enough to collect Covid data The Democrats’ report said the intelligence community did issue warnings about a potential global pandemic well before the World Health Organization issued such an announcement in March 2020. And despite President Donald Trump’s public remarks that the intelligence community did not speak in threatening terms about the potential pandemic, analysts did, in fact, send “dire” assessments in late January and early February, according to the report. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/15/report-intelligence-agencies-didnt-move-fast-enough-to-collect-covid-data-00074146
  9. I knew we shouldn't have bought that glasspecker fish.
  10. How are they not protecting Ukraine against invasion? Russia is being beaten back. Did you expect that to happen on day one after Putin lied about not invading?
  11. They haven't found one yet. Check if they've published any negative stories about ivermectin. oh, here's one now https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(20)30464-8/fulltext and another https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laninf/article/PIIS1473-3099(21)00630-7/fulltext and another https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanam/article/PIIS2667-193X(21)00085-5/fulltext There's plenty more. Why are you all outraged because they pulled one story which supports your biases?
  12. Did the agreement suggest they would bomb Russia? They a re concerned that the madman in Russia might press the red button.
  13. Don't touch crypto for now. See another thread I just posted in.
  14. Not really, all the countries except Russia have stepped up to the plate to help provide security for Ukraine. Only Russia is the recalcitrant. Meantime, there is no danger of Ukraine using those weapons.
  15. Mazars, accountants for Binance, has ceased working for any crypto exchanges over concerns of proof of reserves - Bloomberg cable TV. BNB Plummets as Binance Auditor Mazars Halts Work With All Crypto Firms Auditing firm Mazars Group has dropped cryptocurrency firms as clients, according to crypto exchange Binance. In a statement to Decrypt, Binance said that “Mazars has indicated that they will temporarily pause their work with all of their crypto clients globally, which include Crypto.com, KuCoin, and Binance.” https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/bnb-plummets-binance-auditor-mazars-120331512.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKeLZq0hKGX_XW9jgWyCWLzTGJPrW7Z3682AKGECVboF61pGFqYJqbe02poyhbwZTKilEpELZoM8ooqKH5xDAV_J9i2fq0HlySmiThAUfsFp6Pn3zm5JE5k-NqQGphm8MKdKpyO7aWPLEoLELJAgGwSmDPvfdKNhKS7KYDP9zsDR
  16. I don't but I can call them out for spreading misinformation and I can ask them to substantiate their claims. I'm willing to change my mind if they can do that. I don't care whether they change their mind, that's not my goal.
  17. Did she know she was going to be slapped on the bottom? Where in the article does it say she consented to being slapped on the bottom? To the contrary she immediately asked if that was allowed. Clearly she gave no consent.
  18. I couldn't care less what others think. I push back when they claim that vaccine misinformation is fact.
  19. International laws to which the US is signatory require that bona fide refugees be given a hearing and resettlement. It also requires that applicants have their cases assessed. Nobody, including Democrats, opposes deporting applicants whose cases are rejected following a hearing. Here's a link that shows Democrats not exactly opening the borders. https://www.cato.org/blog/biden-administration-has-reduced-deportations-more-trump-administration-not-much-0
  20. You ducked every question asked of you while I think I gave reasonable answers as to why I trust the experts and MSM.
  21. If that actually happened the MSM would be all over it quoting experts. How is that a thing of the past? Are all experts and MSM lying to us lately? Are niche market pseudo science sites suddenly telling the truth?
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