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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm interested in this topic. I prefer motorcycles to scooters but want to read opinions since automatic scooters are so ubiquitous in Thailand these days. None of the poll questions suited me so I just voted the spoiler.
  2. Given by God? Moral compass is not a given is has to be earned. The royal family do not deserve to keep it. For decades their foibles were hidden from view with occasional leaks for the most egregious examples of racism and political interference. Now, not so much, the ripple is becoming a flood. People fail to see how hereditary privilege is a good thing anymore. The dam burst with P Andrew's failings.
  3. The media are going all in to pretend that the Royal family (still?) have relevance and are some kind of moral and ethical role model.
  4. Actually, smart investors would have bought these up and sold the next day, easily doubling their money. I'm not so sure about the long term prospects given the history of NFT's.
  5. Three regularly. Pigeons, Eurasian tree sparrows and Myna birds. I did have a fleeting glimpse of a swamp pheasant (similar to the OP) flying into a vacant lot filled with tall coffee bush near my place place yesterday. I live in central Pattaya near Big C. https://www.thailandnatureproject.com/birds-of-thailand.html
  6. Jefferson Morley of "JFK Facts," is taking the government to court after the CIA refused to release 4,000 documents about the JFK assassination findings. In 1992, Congress passed a mandate that all of the documents around the assassination be released by Oct. 2017, but when former President Donald Trump was in office and the time came to release all of them, he didn't. President Joe Biden has released a whopping 13,000 documents, but the CIA is still refusing to turn over the remaining 4,000 documents. https://www.rawstory.com/jfk-assassination-document-cia-hiding/
  7. Other than the Capitol police who were seriously injured and died as a direct result of the riot of course. The Capitol police have recognised officer Sicknik's suicide as being in the line of duty. source: already linked previously.
  8. He is most definitely allowed to make his own rules. The EU is also allowed to impose sanctions and advertisers are allowed to remove their advertising. That's the wonderful thing about free speech. The right wing don't get that this is a double edged sword. Remember when Texas tried to force Twitter to not ban the wingnuts in court? Which way do you guys want it. It seems like both when it suits them. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/16/texas-social-media-law/
  9. Korekt. If corruption was the end of governments there wouldn't be any governments. They just weed out the ones who get caught.
  10. I wonder how he got away with it for so long. He wouldn't even get the doors open if it was in my country.
  11. Whatever they are. Today the heaviest weight were 2.5 Kg dumbbells. Mostly on machines. I was stuffed after an hour. Going back Monday. There was one 5 Kg exercise, lifting to full stretch from above my head. That was the hardest.
  12. The difference is Musk is now banning journalists, not just pundits.
  13. Journalists are not expert in anything other than writing. Don't blame the MSM for reporting expert opinion. On the other hand what does Rumble report? What ever it is it smells like a cattle shed.
  14. In the 70's I had an Austin Healey Sprite 2A. We used to race Datsun 2000, Alfa Romeo Spiders and Triump Tr4's in the hills in Sydney's north shore on Sundays. I caned the lot of them.
  15. I can't type on anything other than a regular keyboard. So, if I have a laptop I have to use a regular external keyboard, mouse and monitor anyway. I do a lot of development so need linux anyway.
  16. Misquote I think. If I have any issues with the MB I would just buy a new unit and transfer the RAM and drive to the new machine. New tech, new warranty, repair cost amortised.
  17. Anything sung by Bob Dylan or Leonard Cohen.
  18. Immigrants typically employ more people than locally born. Just keeping it real. Study: Immigrants in the U.S. are more likely to start firms, create jobs Compared to native-born citizens, immigrants are more frequently involved in founding companies at all scales. https://news.mit.edu/2022/study-immigrants-more-likely-start-firms-create-jobs-0509
  19. Definitely. I think the illegality was most of the attraction when I was a teenager, although that didn't extend to harder drugs which I have never tried.
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