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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes, decades ago. They did not pay for a particular research outcome. If so, there'd be a lot of people in jail.
  2. My mother gave up smoking at 50, drank heavily all her life and still puts away a bottle of wine every day or two. Eats lots of red meat. She's 94. Eats absolutely no processed food of any kind. Cooks all her own food and nothing out of a packet except frozen vegetables. Conversely, my father and his father both died of stroke at age 51.
  3. Oh look, a an alcohol industry website complaining about research threatening its industry. Nothing to see here. Your links do seem to be cherry picked to exclude the best authorities. They would be government, directly and indirectly and educational institutions. That said, I have no opinion about whether small amounts of alcohol aren't good for you. As we should all be well aware, it's possible for a substance to have both good and harmful effects. I do drink alcohol but very little.
  4. They are pretty much the same. The food pyramids reflected what was generally the consensus when they were in vogue. That said, the only food pyramids I ever saw were developed by the Aust Meat and Dairy Corporation. Another reason I don't trust vested interests. It's important to understand the difference between mandated food industry contributions to research and "paid for" results.
  5. I do dig, I quote research I find most credible. The BMJ article you quoted is 23 years old.
  6. I don't think the government is paid off by the "usual sources". And especially not every country's government which seem to be in agreement, they are guided by medical advice. You're getting into conspiracy theories here.
  7. That seems to be true. – That “beer belly” is not really beer causing the bulge. It’s the food that the body hasn’t needed to use for immediate energy, as it was too busy breaking down the alcohol. In my case it's too much carbs rather than alcohol. I'm skinny with a pot belly. https://www.painreliefwellness.com.au/2016/11/03/does-alcohol-turn-into-sugar-well-not-really-but-there-are-calories-metabolic-pathway-explained/
  8. That's a private company therefore not credible in my opinion as well as it goes against countervailing advice.
  9. I have also read that there are no safe limits for alcohol. You seem to advocate a diet which has much opposition from expert quarters. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-45283401
  10. I don't think that the educational and government institutions world wide recommending cutting down on red meat are part of the "food industry".
  11. This is going to be interesting. Is the freedom party guided by their political instincts or their loyalty to the dear leader? Trump tells GOP congressional supporters to cease McCarthy opposition https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3779353-trump-tells-gop-congressional-supporters-to-cease-mccarthy-opposition-breitbart-interview/
  12. I went to a doctor in Australia who recommended keto to me. It just seems to be a bad idea in the light of the overwhelming evidence against eating red meat. How were you able to differentiate the keto from the intermittent fast as being responsible for your positive results?
  13. Let me get this right. You support Musk's ban on so called doxxers but applaud him doxxing others?
  14. I didn't think you could use "gentle" and "Thai massage" in the same sentence, lol. I always have showers as hot as I can tolerate.
  15. Not a bad idea. My hometown used to give a free beer in the 60's to blood donors. At the time it held the Guinness book of records highest beer consumption of any town in the world.
  16. He's long since on my ignore list as he refuses to read or acknowledge evidence even when spoon fed it. SS themselves state categorically that they help anyone in need, regardless of ethnicity and gender and that, additionally, they provide specialists services for women of African and Caribbean heritage. This is clear and unambiguous language yet he persists in regurgitating the same non sequiters in pursuit of his racist agenda. His posts are a lesson in tedium ad nauseum.
  17. Not at all, It would be a fantastic thing to see and would go a very long way to breaking down the prejudices in UK society and indeed around the English speaking world.
  18. This kind of diet seems to make the most sense to me although living in Thailand leads me to eat more chicken because of convenience. It's getting very hardto find restaurant cooked fish meals using ocean caught fish rather than farmed fish. https://www.verywellfit.com/pescatarian-diet-4174528
  19. I'm very confused about all this. The Australia Heart Foundation recommends not eating red meat at all. It seems that all roads point to the Mediterranean diet of mainly fish, pulses veges and fruit. I gave up all red meat several years ago based on research similar to that quoted below. https://thewest.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/red-meat-raises-heart-disease-risk-study-c-3467076 https://www.victorchang.edu.au/blog/heart-disease-red-meat “Instead, we suggest people should get most of their heart-healthy protein from plant sources such as beans, lentils (legumes) and tofu, as well as fish and seafood, with a smaller amount from eggs and lean poultry. Heart-healthy eating is more about the combination of foods, eaten regularly over time. https://www.heartfoundation.org.au/media-releases/new-advice-from-the-heart-foundation-on-meat Cheese and cows milk are high nutrient rich foods but also high in fats and I assume are a cholesterol risk. Chicken looks useless according to the above chart. From the last link: We have removed our restriction for healthy Australians on eating full-fat milk, cheese and yogurt. While the evidence was mixed, this type of dairy was found to have a neutral effect, in that it doesn’t increase or decrease your risks for heart disease or stroke. Red meat and cancer https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/2015/11/03/report-says-eating-processed-meat-is-carcinogenic-understanding-the-findings/ Regularly eating red meat increases significantly risk of death from heart disease and cancer, according to a study of more than 120,000 people carried out over 28 years. The findings show that each extra daily serving of processed red meat – equivalent to one hot dog or two rashers of bacon – raised mortality rate by a fifth. Conversely, replacing red meat with fish, poultry, or plant-based protein foods contributed to a longer life. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2012/mar/12/red-meat-death-heart-cancer New research that claims red and processed meat is probably not harmful to our health has caused controversy among experts who maintain people should cut down. “This report has layers of flaws and is the most egregious abuse of evidence that I have ever seen,” said Walter Willett, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health, who advocates a plant-based diet. https://www.theguardian.com/food/2019/sep/30/research-red-meat-poses-no-health-risk Even moderate intake of red meat raises cancer risk, study finds https://www.theguardian.com/society/2019/apr/17/even-moderate-intake-of-red-meat-raises-cancer-risk-study-finds
  20. My muscles are super sore today after 2 days following a 1 hour routine. I guess the best approach is to let the soreness dissipate before taking the plunge again? I skipped a Thai massage today for the same reason.
  21. He should be fired immediately. I think he just applied for a job with Fox News.
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