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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Irrelevant what you think, the palace fired lady haw haw and labelled her comments as racist.
  2. No. I read every credible and approved link. I don't care who says it, I think critically about what was said. Try it sometime.
  3. It's always the same isn't it when you don't like the message?
  4. I'm not finding any allegation by Biden of electoral fraud there. Maybe he's referring to Comey? Or Benghazi!
  5. This topic is about the arrest of a Russian contract killer.
  6. The reason CNN is not alleging it is because nobody is claiming it. The closest allegation to fraud would be Comey putting his thumb on the scale. You allege fraud in 2016 so put up a link where anyone claimed significant fraud.
  7. Trump paid off secret debt to North Korea-linked company while in office https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-daewoo/
  8. Racist will always deny that it exists. That's part of the pablum. People who deny the existence of structural racism are more likely to exhibit anti-Black prejudice and less likely to show racial empathy or openness to diversity, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2022/05/denial-structural-racism-antiblack-prejudice
  9. The haters can't even accept that P William characterised her words as racist.
  10. We used to be able to buy fresh ocean fish straight off trawlers in walking street in Pattaya. sigh.
  11. He gives voice to their worst instincts. The SBC learned that a long time ago. The GOP played wit it like a kitten plays with a mouse but Trump finally said the quiet part out loud. They love him for it.
  12. When I was in my twenties the whole of Soi Cowboy closed at 1AM every night.
  13. There's no controversy. Ngozi has achieved far more than many here will do in a lifetime. The pathetic excuses being drummed up to hide blatant racism are just that.
  14. Sure, racists are subhuman creeps. Not pointing any fingers but they know who and what they are. All this dumping on Ngozi is just that, racist hate.
  15. What's wrong with you people who hate on black victims of domestic violence?
  16. My point is that whatever amount is given to charities by the mega rich it pales into insignificance compared to the tax they should pay.
  17. Indeed, And when you realize that Buffet is probably the best of them it says a lot.
  18. I doesn't help unless you can prove that 1.6 million is an equitable tax burden against 4 billion.
  19. White House to Trump: ‘You cannot only love America when you win’ https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/03/white-house-trump-constitution-america-00072069
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