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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I don't believe it's at all political. If investors sense 100x or 1000x gains to be made again, they'll all jump in again.
  2. But in recent years, we have seen the meaning of gaslighting refer also to something simpler and broader: “the act or practice of grossly misleading someone, especially for a personal advantage.” In this use, the word is at home with other terms relating to modern forms of deception and manipulation, such as fake news, deepfake, and artificial intelligence. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-of-the-year/gaslighting
  3. And that's not even counting the bill you're going to get a few years down the track for eating that trash.
  4. I don't know about the US but don't try that in Australia. Instant charge and dismissal for accessing any personal records not in the course of duty.
  5. Walmart and other non discretionary consumer staples. Tech is shedding jobs like a dog sheds fleas right now. Energy stocks have probably peaked. Just my gut feeling.
  6. Is there a US equivalent to the Australian expiration of offenses act where non violent misdemeanors over ten years old can't be used for any purpose other than sentencing?
  7. Does that also apply Trump's administration using eminent domain to seize thousands of acres of land from ranchers for the great southern wall? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-border-wall-plans-private-land-seizure/
  8. What about all those stories about Russian conscripts having to buy their own uniforms? Fake news as well? Are the Chechen conscripts as well equipped as the Russians?
  9. If anyone does use Sheets API v4 I wrote an extensive library in ruby if anyone wants it for zip.
  10. I think it should be =IF((B14 + B15) > 2000, 0,) Note final comma, that should preserve the original content in cell 13 if the intention is not to modify it. https://webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/142985/is-there-a-way-to-get-the-if-statement-to-output-nothing-if-it-returns-false
  11. My guess is don't do anything with row 13 in that case.
  12. Do you use the Google Sheets API v4 by any chance? Or just the sheets themselves?
  13. Does this help? https://spreadsheetpoint.com/google-sheets-if-then-formula/
  14. That would be reporting on the worst pandemic in 100 years.
  15. Whatever the facts, she is going to die if it doesn't so I wonder what your thinking is here... She clearly doesn't have the money.
  16. Ok, I'm going to solve this. clues: 1. 4am. 2. Shower takes 5 minutes. 3. Two slim young local males seen leaving the hotel in a hurry. 4. Somehow they had a crystal ball to know that the guest had left 4,000 baht on a table for that exact 5 minutes. 5. Guest is not wealthy as 4,000 baht triggered him to call the police. Or he was very angry for some reason. .... sorry, the dog ate my notes and I can't remember what my conclusion was...
  17. The club doesn't need to be open after hours either. Random drug tests have been carried out in WS bars for years.
  18. To an extent, you can't lock everyone up forever. I do agree in cases of rape which should be treated ans grievous bodily harm. The problem is that rape laws were written by men and largely judged by men.
  19. Agreed. I gave 100 baht to a homeless man in Pattaya this morning and was tempted to take a photo and post it just to show his plight in the hope that others might take pity on him and help him as well. I didn't for precisely this reason.
  20. So the best you can do is accuse the article of being misinformation because it doesn't provide any clue to a cause of death you wish was there?
  21. That rank is notorious. A couple of days ago I went to Bangkok Hospital in Pattaya for a check up and when I left I asked the front door guard for a taxi. He summoned one on his 2 way. On the way, I asked how much. He could have told me any amount but said 200 baht which I thought reasonable for a 3 Km trip. I guess they don't get to rank up there if they get too many complaints for over charging.
  22. No army will fight on an empty stomach. The Russians famously beat the Germans in WW2 because of different boots in winter.
  23. Follow the Portuguese model, decriminalise all drugs so the market is destroyed. I agree with you, treat drug addiction as a health issue, not a crime. Locking people up is the lazy way out.
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