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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I read faster, are they going to warn me not to read hate speech? Are the victims of that hate speech meant to ignore it?
  2. The true axis of evil, money, power and the courts. Musk so hated the anti-hate message that he decided to use his untold untaxed wealth to buy a publicly accountable company and turn it into a platform for hate to further the GOP's southern strategy of harnessing racism to gain power. Protected by the supreme court which they installed, dark money funds elections anonymously. The inevitable outcome is Oligarchy. The rich harness the southern strategy and the religious right, racism and anti American secessionist inclinations (the unwon civil war) to control the message and coerce the uneducated useful idiots to coalesce around them and vote against their own interests. So enamoured are they by the prospect of hanging onto their white privilege that they will facilitate the transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich and control the world without even noticing. Their disdain of world government is a joke. Musk will turn Twitter into a money losing hate fest. Advertisers will abandon him but he doesn't care. His immense wealth distorts the normal market balance, part of the growing monopoly of the economy by the rich. He will do so with funding from Saudi Arabia in a partnership of some kind within three months. He knows the supreme court will protect his message of hate and intolerance under the First Amendment. If he realizes his dream of an all singing, all dancing platform he won't do it with American talent, the educated don't like fascism. He will import talent. Reap what you sow, right wingers. Next stop, gated communities to keep the great unwashed out. The gap between the rich and the poor is now so great and with the world's population hitting 8 billion, that will be their Custer's last stand.
  3. I'll take the low hanging fruit first. Notice anything about that tweet which proves it's double speak? A democratic poll? Given that Trump is wildly unpopular outside of the US and the poll was open world wide, and given the prevalence of bots that Musk actually sued twitter over, it beggars belief that this was anything like a democratic vote. Furthermore, he announced it, ran it and closed it in the course of a day without a shred of independent auditing or oversight. How stupid can people be to swallow this garbage? I'm not just having a go here, to believe this is delusional.
  4. The bots have spoken. Musk did nothing but bitch about bots for months and has not had any opportunity to do anything about them. A result which so is far out of sync with election results or popularity of Trump, the result has to be driven by bots. They aren't there one month and gone the next.
  5. I used to read them daily 20 years ago but his extremism turned me off.
  6. so cough up, what were those compulsory measures. I challenged you and you provided nothing.
  7. UK always retained it's sovereignty and foreign policy. The only compulsion from Brussels were economic measures for cooperation signed up for by the UK. The loss of this cooperation cost the UK dearly and will continue to do so until the UK replaces brexit with something close to what they had before.
  8. You're counting those whose claims were rejected.
  9. About a thousand did go to the US but they weren't forced to go. Relatively, very few went back to their own countries unless their claims for asylum were rejected.
  10. Every single person that was ever incarcerated on an island and didn't choose to go home is now in Australia, NZ or the US. In any case, far more people arrived on tourist visas and claimed asylum than arrived on boats. In the year after offshore processing began, the number of arrivals did not decline – it increased. Some 25,173 people arrived by boat between July 2012 and July 2013 – three times more than the number who crossed in the previous 12 months. https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-did-australian-offshore-asylum-system-reduce-boat-crossings https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/boats-are-not-the-problem-it-s-the-130-000-asylum-seekers-living-here-20220617-p5aufm.html
  11. Because, in the case of refugees, it's got nothing to do with where they're going and everything to do with where they have come from.
  12. Would it? How many of Obama or Biden's cronies were indicted and convicted or pardoned? And it isn't just Trump. GOP officials from all over have been going down like flies.
  13. I've never seen one eat cockroaches. They may well do but they eat moths mainly.
  14. A company like Twitter would have very good documentation but still it would take many months for a new engineer to get up to speed. Unless they have this familiarity with he code base it would be a case of "Patch applied to fix 19 bugs, result 93 bugs".
  15. I already did. Everyone who supported UK extradition of refugee claimants without a hearing.
  16. Stop pretending. The truth is out there. Springford compared the UK's performance since Brexit with those of countries with previously similar records. His "sobering" conclusion is that in the final quarter of 2021, GDP (gross domestic product) was 5.2% smaller, investment 13.7% lower, and goods trade 13.6% lower than what they would have been had the UK remained in the EU. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/07/05/brexit-damage-is-eu-exit-now-hitting-uks-economy-harder-than-covid The UK economy has fallen far behind the EU since Brexit Britain’s GDP per head has grown just 3.8 per cent since the referendum, while the EU’s has grown by 8.5 per cent. https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/06/uk-economy-fallen-behind-eu-since-brexit https://www.investmentmonitor.ai/analysis/two-years-brexit-uk-eu
  17. We have them in Australia. They live for many years and often in bathrooms in the tropics. I think they would also be endemic to Thailand since the latitude where I come from is the same as Pattaya.
  18. Which western european countries are faring worse?
  19. Yes it does, it means those people don't respect refugee status. International law mandates that they get a hearing.
  20. Why not, Ukraine and Covid are common to all EU countries but Brexit only the UK so easy to factor it out.
  21. There's been more than a few people here supporting the UK government's attempts to deport refugee claimants WITHOUT a hearing in the UK and no representation in woop woop.
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