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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Am I right in thinking that you consider anyone who supports gays to be gay? If not, what exactly do you mean to say? Maybe I just misread your comment?
  2. I don't condone theft. I never implied that. I just don't have a lot of sympathy for the obscenely rich "victim". He'll just go out and buy another one.
  3. I don't equate a lousy iPhone with a 110 grand watch, sorry. I wouldn't mind if there weren't hundreds of thousands of kids starving to death. I wonder if the owner of that watch donated that much to charity.
  4. As a good commie, I don't have a lot of sympathy for someone who gets a 110,000 quid watch taken from him, lol.
  5. There were two major heroes at the Colorado Springs shooting on Saturday night, including one veteran who jumped to act, grabbing the shooter and beating him with his own gun. Yet, somehow, it was the hero that was arrested. He beat the shooter so bloody he was covered. https://www.rawstory.com/colorado-springs-shooting-hero-arrested/
  6. The SC will never be asked to adjudicate on whether people have the right to claim non binary sex. That ship has sailed.
  7. Thanks for that. Maybe the constipation was caused by the doxy. The symptoms have subsided now. I'm a little paranoid about a repeat clot since I nearly died from the last one according to the specialist. After the "gross haematuria" I mentioned, the urologist who performed the cytoscopy told me there's nothing unusual in a blood in urine occasionally. He also commented that my bladder looked quite healthy. He did mention some other condition that was apparent in the bladder (something like quilting?) but said it wasn't a cause for concern. He was more concerned about my my prostate but the PSa was around high 3's if I recall correctly and 3.5 cm across the neck. He wanted to put me on duodart but I said I'd wait since I wasn't experiencing any difficulty urinating and haven't since. Again, I greatly appreciate you being here for us hypochondriacs.
  8. That's because you're probably not looking for that data. https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-022-02328-0
  9. No it isn't. Nothing there about the vaccine affecting different people differently.
  10. Again, an allegation of a claim that was never made.
  11. Your "extreme thinking" is actually medical science.
  12. You might be firing artillery that isn't aimed by yourself. You might also wind up with a bullet in the back of the head.
  13. Nobody ever said it would. That said, it does reduce the chances significantly.
  14. Their taste testers are just out of nappies! Who doesn't think this is sponsored content?
  15. I don't blame the Russians for coming to Thailand either. Disgusting of you to claim I have no principles.
  16. I believe you are correct. A couple of years ago I had cataract surgery done on both eyes only a day apart. I contract herpes in both eyes. Six weeks on hourly inflammatory and antibiotic drops. The opthalmologist told me that it was because I had chicken pox as a kid and blamed me for not telling her but the written declaration didn't mention it. Wholly incompetent.
  17. When I was 19, I was called up for the Vietnam War. I was determined to go to gaol if I had to rather than go fight an unpopular and unjust war. Fortunately, the draft was cancelled before the moment came. Yes, I would stand by my "moralistic principles". Do you have any?
  18. The family of a Capitol Police officer who died by suicide after the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol said the Justice Department has recognized the death as occurring in the line of duty, a classification that allows his family to qualify for certain benefits. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/3745823-capitol-police-officers-suicide-recognized-as-line-of-duty-death/
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