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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. OK, so ancient history ???? Yes, I admit many people made a motza getting in early. Like Tesla shares.
  2. Why would anybody be sorry they sold crypto? None of them have made money out of HODLing in the past year..
  3. Not surprisingly, American politics have radicalized. According to one recent poll, 30% of Republicans agree with the statement, “Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” This figure is especially high among those who believe Trump’s false claim that President Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2022/01/05/assessing-the-right-wing-terror-threat-in-the-united-states-a-year-after-the-january-6-insurrection/
  4. I haven't seen "going to zero". I for one think it's going a LOT lower before eventually slowly rising again. Take a BTC chart and zoom out 5 years. You'll see where it's going back to, same as stocks for that matter. Gold has been a shocking investment for some time now. I believe we are headed into a deep recession if not a full blown depression. I hope I'm wrong but so far it's looking that way. That will severely depress asset prices.
  5. That is a problem. Not so much that you don't believe it but that you don't consider it. Unless you read widely you only get an echo. That's why you are shilling bitcoin which is a spectacularly bad investment right now. There is a huge amount of research out there reported in lefty sites which you disregard which should have given you pause for thought when you went all in for crypto.
  6. El Salvador’s $425 million bitcoin experiment isn’t saving the country’s finances https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/25/el-salvador-bitcoin-experiment-not-saving-countrys-finances.html
  7. I don't use any social media site except Line because I don't believe social media is a good place for info.
  8. By that definition, my cold wallet is still counted as a user, as I suspected. I did not fully empty it. Also bear in mind that whales own most of the BTC so the measure of users isn't very useful.
  9. I think that should read "have ever used", not "users". I might have some shillings worth of BTC lying around in my cold wallet, not sure. Doesn't make me a user.
  10. Sure, but $1 is gaining in value compared to every other asset class. I believe it's misleading to consider that the dollar is losing value because prices are rising. Things just cost more. For the dollar to be losing value, at least one other asset class has to beat it. That's not happening. It's not really about the dollar losing value, it's that purchasing power is being lost (and ergo the standard of living) no matter what you use to pay for things.
  11. What I learned , or think I learned, was that crypto rose so much because of low interest rates and lots of stimulus leading to hot money. Much of the covid stimulus went into the hands of the rich who splurged it on anything they could find. Then, when the inevitable happened, together with the unforeseen extra supply crunch of Russia invading Ukraine and inflation rocketed up, I saw the writing on the wall and got out. I believe that assets will be flat (down) for some years to come. BTC can spend long periods in the doldrums.
  12. My dad used to tell me to leave it alone, it'll fall off when it's ripe...
  13. I probably lost about $5k over a year or so. Mainly just learning the hard way. Cash is not losing value., the USD is rising in value. Every other asset class is falling.
  14. I sold my crypto about 9 months ago, glad I did. I'm all out. Interesting that the hash rate is high though. I don't mean to imply that BTC is dead, just that I think the economic conditions are not favourable for investment right now. Cash is king. The DXY is higher than it's been for 20 years, since the last big recession.
  15. For reasons which are off topic here. The current price of ETH is very close to a 2 year low.
  16. I don't use twitter. Just tell me if the ETH balance on exchanges is rising or falling, thanks. One reason for an increase in exchange inflows is that investors are looking to sell their crypto assets. Exchange inflows due to selling pressure is a bearish signal and indicate that prices could fall. https://www.coindesk.com/learn/why-do-exchange-balances-matter-in-crypto/
  17. The balance on exchanges rises when people intend to sell and falls when they intend to save them. People don't otherwise leave their crypto on exchanges. also, that's a paywall site, so I can't see the trend there. If the balance on exchanges is falling that would support your assertion.
  18. If that was true, the price would be rising. A quick glance at the chart shows that it isn't.
  19. Yes, the gunman primarily used an AR-15. I'd say he emptied the mag and the veteran seized the opportunity to grab a pistol the perp had with him and beat him with it. All good.
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