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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You're deflecting. This debate has never been about what the law says.
  2. Misinformation is not a subjective thing. It needs to be called out each and every time and definitely censored.
  3. You said "no longer uses them" Classic case of moving the goal posts. Australia is recommending them lately because of a surge in cases.
  4. Did mention law somewhere? I think it more like medical advice.
  5. That depends. From what I read, about half the staff were contract moderators. Perhaps the previous owner just decided to hire double the staff that he needed and the stock market didn't notice.
  6. My view is the majority view in Thailand on a scientific matter.
  7. It is but you can't deny it's against both medical advice and public opinion. The crux of the matter is that you don't care about that stuff.
  8. Yep, wearing a mask isn't hard. No need to proselytise about it.
  9. Probably not. By all accounts he was a drug addict. Would you be in business with your son if he was a drug addict and you had a well paying senate gig? No, I didn't think so.
  10. Most people in western countries calculate salaries in annual terms I think. I certainly do. Monthly remuneration is generally referred to as wages unless the recipients are contractors.
  11. You don't support having fact checkers? Some people like to know when politicians are telling lies.
  12. No, if that were the case they wouldn't sell any. There are alternatives.
  13. It would be the same in Bangkok, you're not making sense. I've already reported you for flaming.
  14. It's more a case of unavoidable close contact over a much longer period of time.
  15. They're not deserving of respect, they are social misfits, likely even sociopaths. It's not a political issue in the least, it's an issue of medical science and public opinion vs the rest. The majority locals in the city wear masks in supermarkets, etc, including the staff. They do it to protect others. not so much themselves as pointed out not long ago in this thread. I may as well return the favor. If it makes one staff member in a supermarket feel more comfortable, it's been a good day.
  16. Spin it whichever way you like, I already said it was about civility. I live inside society, not outside it.
  17. You would let the Russians win? We know where your fealties lie after this.
  18. My narrative is "do as the romans do" as stated earlier in this thread.
  19. I don't live in Isaan or a beach town (Pattaya is a city). If most Thais didn't wear masks I wouldn't either.
  20. It's called civility, you should try it sometimes instead of trying to rub the locals noses in their alleged lesser intellectual capacity.
  21. Indeed, like 2015, Murdoch is testing the wind but will fall in behind any creep who gets the nomination.
  22. When the locals stop overreacting I will too. This isn't at all about how effective masks are or the perceived risk (or disregard for risk).
  23. I live in Pattaya city centre, should I move so I don't need to feel embarrassed by not wearing a mask? Cities are known as the worst areas for transmission.
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