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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. They already do, what are you talking about? And, you're off topic.
  2. It's not just airports. Every time I go to a shopping center I see the majority of Thais wearing masks and the majority of Farangs not wearing them. Civility demands we should wear them or go home in my opinion, regardless of any laws.
  3. Refusing to concede, Kari Lake, the defeated Republican candidate for Arizona governor, said Thursday she is assembling lawyers and collecting evidence of voters having trouble casting ballots on Election Day as she considers her next move. Lake, who was endorsed by Donald Trump, traveled to the former president’s Mar-a-Lago club in Florida on Thursday, her campaign spokesman told The Associated Press. The Washington Post first reported that she attended a luncheon held by the America First Policy Institute, an advocacy group created by former Trump advisers. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-arizona-phoenix-government-and-politics-bcea98345ee81ec1b8fa6a5364bc296f?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_03
  4. Trump was meant to do exactly that but but used his office to enrich himself with emoluments which are illegal. The man is a criminal from top to bottom.
  5. Musk is the best argument for taxing the rich. He lost me after he sent a car into space. I feel vindicated. This man is scum,
  6. Sure, do you agree all members of Congress and their immediate families should be barred from stock trading? And all elected members should have to place all their assets in a blind trust?
  7. So, do you agree it's time to stop all stock trading by members of Congress?
  8. Please show us some of this "vitality". Working out on a golf cart? Anything at all that looks like exercise.
  9. Trump's paymaster Since Trump left office, entities controlled by the Saudi government, a repressive regime responsible for the murder of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi, have sent billions to Trump and his family members. Trump's candidacy for president raises the prospect of a major party nominee that is on the payroll of a foreign government. https://popular.info/p/trumps-paymaster
  10. *Deleted post edited out* Right, immediately after a stellar performance in the mid terms and several bipartisan initiatives passed in the House, Biden must be feeling really chastened.
  11. It doesn't matter what you think of the reputation of the rag. If the article doesn't give you any pause for thought it would call into question your critical thinking skills. Or do you have a such a biblical fervor going on that you would believe anything aligning with your world view? The movie comes from among the least reputable sources for truth in politics.
  12. No, I was talking about Breitbart but this comment will do. That some people can uncritically promote this as legit in the face of such criticism as published by the Guardian says a lot about extremism. Just throw caution to the wind and lap it up? My Son Hunter: the rightwing Hunter Biden movie is for fringe lunatics In the case of far-right ear-flicking such as this fiction-laced retelling of the Hunter Biden laptop nothingburger, a writeup in a semi-reputable publication like the Guardian gives hyperventilating Breitbart commenters all the ammo they need to prove that the libs have been thoroughly and irrefutably triggered. The truth is that the latest feature-length output from the conservative peanut gallery poses little threat to the viewing public, its foamy-mouthed partisanship speaking only to those already simpatico to its theories and alienating the saner majority within its opening minutes. It doesn’t deserve time or mental energy from right-thinking citizens, but if the past decade of American politics has taught us anything, it’s that ignoring extremism does not make it go away. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/sep/06/my-son-hunter-review-rightwing-biden-movie
  13. It's a hit job distributed by Breitbart, a disgusting website dedicated to spreading lies and libel.
  14. Mainly because there's a difference in value placed on verifiable facts and hard evidence. Some people here wonder why others are drawn by conspiracy theories. It shouldn't be so surprising I guess because religious people have jumped that shark already.
  15. His sentencing for his guilty plea is still pending until after this trial to assess his honesty and degree of cooperation. If he doesn't deliver he will be getting his salary in jail for a long time. I believe the deal was a few months in return for what would amount to a life sentence.
  16. Trump's biggest problem now is that he is a known quantity and the voters know he soundly lost the last election to an uncharismatic leader.
  17. Punchbowl News correspondent Max Cohen reported Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott would not say if he is supporting Trump's comeback attempt. On Wednesday, NBC News senior congressional correspondent Scott Wong asked House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) if he was "prepared to endorse" Trump. When he did not answer, ABC News reporter Katherine Faulders followed-up, but McCarthy still wouldn't answer. https://www.rawstory.com/here-are-the-republicans-declining-to-endorse-trump-2024/
  18. With Trump as nominee the GOP will lose the presidency no matter who runs against him. Nothing to do with Biden last time and it will be the same again next election. The GOP is a spent force because they have allowed the freedom party to take control. Democrats have been buoyed by voters' repudiation of a string of far-right Republican candidates, most of them allies of Trump, including Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania's Senate and governor's races respectively, and Blake Masters in Arizona's Senate contest. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republicans-one-seat-away-winning-house-us-midterm-vote-2022-11-16/
  19. I have no dog in the fight but I would back a drover's dog before a corrupt self dealing criminal with authoritarian ambitions no respect for the US constitution.
  20. Biden does not reply on the white male non college educated demographic. Trump demonstrably does so.
  21. Trump was soundly beaten by the unpopular Biden in 2020. His chances of improving on that must be vanishingly small. What changed?
  22. Why Trump Is Favored To Win The 2024 Republican Presidential Primary. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/trump-2024-president/
  23. Yeah, it shows how uneducated his supporters need to be.
  24. The GOP divisions also portray fierce frustrations within the party that Trump’s presidential announcement — which he delivered Tuesday night in a prime-time speech at Mar-a-Lago — came before the results of some midterm races are final. Some Republicans are concerned it will hurt the GOP’s chances in a Senate runoff election in Georgia, where voters will decide Dec. 6 whether Sen. Raphael Warnock (D) or Republican Herschel Walker will be in the upper chamber next year. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/3738920-trump-enthusiasm-fading-fast-for-house-gop/
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