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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes, he should, he broke a long tradition. Trump has no respect for traditions and norms. It is this lack of respect which underpins his criminality. A weak and feckless man.
  2. Absolute garbage. Stop the gratuitous Thai bashing. Two girls were killed.
  3. I have difficulty believing that a scooter carrying three girls was travelling at more than 60 Kph. Maybe, but I doubt it. I rarely see any scooters going faster than that on any urban road anywhere in Thailand with two or three up.
  4. He was too gutless to even open the door for the new president as is customary.
  5. Not true, He isn't even allowed the keep the riches MBS gave him, not even the soccer ball Putin gave him. Nada.
  6. What channel are you watching? I'm obviously watching the wrong one.
  7. Driving standards (road laws) are virtually identical to those in Australia.
  8. Yes, do you have any evidence they didn't? Did dems riot at the white house? The capitol? Cheat at the election? Anything? In the end they voted him out. why? Because Trump didn't address the concerns Americans have. Americans rejected him, loud and clear. One term president, just like the Republicans swore they would do to Obama but failed.
  9. Trump only hired the best. If Trump gets indicted they'll form a gang called "the Dirty Dozen".
  10. Not in Thailand but I guess the same process applies as it does in Philippines. The mother does not need to give consent for you to apply for Australian citizenship. You only need to certify that you are the child's biological parent. If there's any doubt, the embassy will ask for a DNA test but that's not the normal routine. This is all clear in the online application. Acceptable paternity evidence includes photos before, at and after the birth, hospital records such as ultrasound and bills, etc. The most likely practical obstacles will be obtaining a copy of her birth certificate, possibly the child's birth certificate. etc. Also, before you can even apply you have to find a qualified person to sign the form 118 identity declaration. That can be a doctor, lawyer or full time government teacher who has known him for 2 years. The government will follow up this certification. As you indicate, your biggest hurdle will be permission from the mother to leave the country. You can get a court order if she can't be found or won't cooperate.
  11. Most climate change deniers believe: Only 6,000 years but God did exist. The earth is too large for man to affect the climate and God wouldn't let humans become extinct anyway. It's just a temporary thing, they will come back. They aren't even Christians.
  12. It's highly unlikely that a conviction would prevent Trump from running again unless certain elements of the law were invoked to prevent him and which have never been used as far as I can tell. The law forced Nixon to resign. If Trump couldn't stand because of the law that would not stop the democratic process. The law is the law and the dems alone didn't write them. Not to indict if the FBI believe he has a case to answer just because he wants to run again would be a breach of democratic process. If he won before being convicted the process would automatically stop.
  13. What proportion of expats in Thailand "integrate". Exactly the same criticism was levelled at immigrants in Australia decades ago, they didn't integrate. I'm not sure why they should "integrate" or what that even means in the context of migrants. Should they dress like us? Speak our language when they're 40 plus and just arrived (the point is moot for second generation and kids)? Should they eat fish and chips and haggis and black pudding? In Australia I must be very un Australian. I think sports are a waste of time except for exercise, I rarely drink beer, I don't like "traditional" Aussie food which is imported recipes from UK anyway. I don't eat meat pies, sausages, steak or chops so barbies are off the todo list. I'm not sure what these people have to do but I am happy they don't like our food. Smacking kids is child abuse.
  14. They're not exact, nobody's claiming they are. In the models you always see a shaded area around the line. It's the trend that's important. I think the argument that temperatures are still low and will never become a problem, that ship has sailed. 1.5 or 2 degrees might not sound like a lot but climate scientists think it is. It's clear from the charts that both temperatures and CO2 levels are rising sharply. At a gradient never seen or estimated for any period in the past. We don't need to be clairvoyant to see where that's going. The trend is unmistakable.
  15. Thanks, I appreciate the effort. So, a rogue agent and not the FBI officially as an organisation. It is possible I guess that there is a rogue player lying to a judge again but the chances of that happening again and to an ex president must be vanishingly small. To be clear, I know the police and possibly the FBI have a bad record for faking and planting evidence but that's not everywhere all the time. And less likely in high profile cases. The FBI have always been a Republican led and overtly conservative organisation, paint me skeptical.
  16. Most Americans don't directly hold stocks and only about 40% of workers have a 401K. High rent and homelessness is not just a Biden thing and nobody with 2 brain cells to rub together thinks that inflation is Biden's fault.
  17. Yeah, we shrank millions of years of sea level rise into a few decades. It's all about the rate of change, not just that the change exists.
  18. I mean any document subject to PRA orders that the FBI can proved existed and was in Trump's custody at some point after January 20th, 2021.
  19. If any documents are missing will you change your tune?
  20. You don't believe that Americans are concerned about why a past president was raided by the FBI for the first time ever? Biden addressed those concerns.
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