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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Thought exists but not everything that you can think of is real.
  2. I think in one of the school shootings a teacher actually engage the shooter with a glock and got killed because the shooter had an AR 15. Did trump intend the teachers to use body armor and carry assault rifles?
  3. It was a required text in my first year of high school.
  4. The tell is how they need to preach to the converted. If they had a bone of integrity they would stage these rallies in liberal states.
  5. Yep, in a word, science. Specifically, if you start with the hypothesis that proof can never be possible then that can't be reality.
  6. nope, religion was a form of governement before we had governments and deities were the means to derive their credibility. The strongest argument against religion is to ask them why they deny the validity of every other religion or why they think politics is part of religion. Hypocrisy is they name, religion.
  7. Do you imagine that I haven't thought about religion and whether it's real? My first clue was getting excluded from religious instruction at school for questioning their reality.
  8. A proper background check should uncover that. The police routinely ask social media platforms to cough up on suspected persons and their TOC reflects this in their disclosure statement. Furthermore, the police can demand access as part of the conditions for a background check just like employers do.,
  9. Lets get this right,there is no connection between religion and reality.
  10. well tat would be 99% of the profiles on TF for a start. Should sex lead to procreation or be reserved for those who wish to procreate. There are plenty of bible bashers who think so.
  11. Sadly, there are many to fill his shoes who may be a little smarter and not offend so many people or just lie better.
  12. wouldn't that be an argument that men might favour abortion rights? as explained previously, pregnancy isn't contagious and can't kill people who are not pregnant.
  13. I'm not a scientist so I don't stand in awe wondering about things that nobody yet understands. I'll wait until the science is in because life is busy enough trying to absorb the science that produced. What I do believe is that there is no ethereal being which transcends science
  14. Because you arrived at a conclusion which is at odds with virtually all climate scientists.
  15. And yet he has plenty of company. The Washington Post reported that Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) was one of several lawmakers who wrote to the Biden administration in September demanding an end to the embargo on Russian ammunition imports. The sanctions were first imposed in response to the 2020 poisoning of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny with the nerve agent Novichok. https://www.rawstory.com/ted-cruz-russia-2657401507/
  16. One tourist only occupies one room just for a start. Then there are taxis, food and lots of other things which depend on numbers, not how rich they are. The poor don't benefit as much from high end spending.
  17. Lots of abortions are undoubtedly save by pregnancy prevention. That isn't the issue or the solution.
  18. well, look here. I don't know who it was who questioned whether the shooter should have failed a background check but here it is. Yet another mass killer reportedly threatened misogynistic violence after being sexually rebuffed, according to a Friday evening report by CNN on the Uvalde school shooting massacre. "Salvador Ramos told girls he would rape them, showed off a rifle he bought, and threatened to shoot up schools in livestreams on the social media app Yubo, according to several users who witnessed the threats in recent weeks," CNN reported. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/27/us/yubo-app-salvador-ramos-threats-invs/index.html
  19. There is reality and the inability to comprehend reality. Science is reality however undiscovered its secrets may be. Denial of science is a failure of critical thinking.
  20. He's not considered anything other than the author of the currently accepted theory of evolution as taught in all schools. If you have evidence to the contrary from credible sources post them or admit your religious bias.
  21. A brief reading of Darwin's theory of evolution will show that intelligent deign and the theory of evolution are the antithesis of each other. Evolution has to be random to work.
  22. Sussmann’s defense insisted that the former federal prosecutor had not lied to the FBI, but that Durham’s theory was absurd given Sussmann’s extensive interactions with the FBI on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee in connections with hacking of their emails. “Mr Sussmann has HFA [Hillary for America] and DNC tattooed on his forehead. He’s dealing with them all the time,” defense attorney Sean Berkowitz told jurors. “Everybody knew who he was.”
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