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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Mariupol Mayor Vadym Boychenko told The Associated Press that at least 21,000 people were killed in Mariupol with bodies “carpeted through the streets.” He said that the Russians deployed mobile cremation equipment to Mariupol to methodically dispose of the victims’ bodies in order to hide the evidence of the massacre and prevent international organizations from documenting “the horror the Russian army is responsible for.” The discovery of hundreds of bodies of civilians apparently executed by Russian forces in Kyiv’s suburbs after the Russian retreat from the area has fueled global outrage and accusations from Ukrainians and the West that Russia is committing war crimes in Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-business-europe-moscow-f5b814ca711f0679cf362016cd46cd47
  2. "beyond the parameters of the plebeian perception of democratic process". Why would you think that? Apart from the sentence not being comprehensible English, that is? The word parameter is used out of context here.
  3. they were invited at one point if I'm not mistaken
  4. Sure, and all those accused should stand trial, don't you agree?
  5. A mission of experts set up by Organization for Security and Cooperation and Europe (OSCE) nations has found evidence of war crimes and crimes against humanity by Russia in Ukraine, the mission said in a report on Wednesday. The mission was set up last month by 45 of the OSCE's 57 participating states to look into possible offences in Ukraine including war crimes and to pass on information to bodies such as international tribunals. Russia opposed it. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/clear-patterns-found-that-russia-violated-humanitarian-law-ukraine-osce-2022-04-13/
  6. Whataboutery is all that they have. since they can't discuss the topic on its merits.
  7. Payback time: The West studies how to make Russia foot the war bill https://www.politico.eu/article/payback-time-west-make-russia-pay-war-ukraine-bill/
  8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2022/04/12/more-than-500-ukrainian-children-killed-or-injured-since-russia-invaded-ukraines-prosecutors-office-says/?sh=206f6e913f23 https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ukraine-says-russias-war-kills-136-children-so-far-2022-03-26/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/children-killed-ukraine-war-b2031914.html
  9. OK, sorry, I misread your post. I got confused and thought you were talking about Biden. Trying to multitask here without much success.
  10. Then you were proved wrong. He said US intelligence assessed that Russia would invade and that they were lying about only conducting exercises. The assessment was spot on. If you don't believe credible sources substantiated by other credible sources then you are often misinformed.
  11. No, I meant that many Ukrainians speak actual Russian, including Zelensky.
  12. That may have been true since the US Army did force many civilians to visit the death camps at the end of the war.
  13. Putin 'definitely not crazy': New book explains the 'depraved' rationale behind Ukraine war https://www.rawstory.com/putin-russia-ukraine-war-2657141215/
  14. I don't think the Ukrainians consider Russians to be their brothers, or ever have, especially since the Holodomor. Even if many do speak Russian. Having a common language has never been a basis for assuming two populations are friendly.
  15. Is it not public knowledge that Putin ridiculed the US for insisting that Putin intended to invade Ukraine when he claimed that his troops were only on exercises. And didn't he also pretend that he was pulling them back from Belarus to Russia? If you acknowledge that he said those things then you must also acknowledge that Putin was lying. Just apart from the war crimes denials which are totally implausible.
  16. I do wear undies with jeans but go commando otherwise. I haven't worn pyjamas, or anything, to bed since I was about 13. More so than most posts on this forum... lol
  17. Is there some comparison to be drawn between Boris and Vladdy here?
  18. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/great-debate
  19. The problem is that if Germany is hostage to Russian energy, we haven't seen anything compared to the world's reliance on Chinese goods.
  20. One? Really? You're unaware that rape by Russian forces is widespread and systematic? Really? Where's you evidence of similar behaviour by the Ukraine military? Are you going to put up or...?
  21. Pretty sure Zelensky's offer was <deleted> and maybe sanctions will be lifted after Putin goes to the Hague.
  22. Video shows Ukrainian soldier taking apart a Russian drone and discovering its components include a plastic bottle top for a fuel cap In the video, the soldier is first seen pointing out that the drone's camera is a generic handheld Canon DSLR that has its main navigation button glued down to make sure it doesn't accidentally switch modes. https://www.businessinsider.com/video-ukraine-soldier-disassembles-russian-drone-reveals-unsopisticated-handiwork-2022-4
  23. Bill Browder on Russia's war on Ukraine: 'It’s not going to end' Bill Browder, a U.S. investor and prominent anti-Putin critic, says the Russian president’s endgame in Ukraine is to ensure he stays in power at home. “Vladimir Putin is not going to back down and Ukrainians are not going to give up their country. This war will, unfortunately, be a long-lasting war in which many more atrocities will be committed, many more heartbreaks will happen and Russia will become even more isolated than they already are in the international community.” https://www.politico.com/news/2022/04/11/bill-browder-russia-war-on-ukraine-00024490
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