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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Yes, I know, my point is that the Thai government have it right and that it should stay banned.
  2. Aeroflot has been ordered to stop flying internationally (except to Belarus) over fears its aircraft will be seized https://www.traveller.com.au/russian-airlines-leased-planes-airlines-go-domestic-to-prevent-confiscation-of-aircraft-h22dfj
  3. Alcohol advertising should be banned exactly as tobacco advertising is. The cost to productivity and public health is enormous.
  4. Russia says that despite sanctions it can fare well without what it casts as a deceitful and decadent West led by the United States. It says its bid to forge ties with the West after the 1991 fall of the Soviet Union is now over and that it will develop ties with other powers such as China. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russia-will-put-its-enemies-such-united-states-their-place-medvedev-says-2022-03-17/
  5. Russian forces in Ukraine are blasting cities and killing civilians but no longer making progress on the ground Putin, who ordered Russia's invasion on Feb. 24, showed little sign of relenting. In a vituperative televised speech, he inveighed against "traitors and scum" at home who helped the West, and said the Russian people would spit them out like gnats. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/shells-hit-theatre-sheltering-ukraine-civilians-biden-calls-putin-war-criminal-2022-03-17/
  6. Private citizens? Or accomplices in war crimes? Russians have up to $213 billion stashed offshore in Swiss banks https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/russians-have-up-213-billion-stashed-offshore-swiss-banks-2022-03-17/
  7. Doing business in a country without the rule of law can be pretty risky — as aircraft leasing companies are finding out. The companies, many based in Ireland, leased 515 airplanes worth about $10 billion to Russian airlines. They may never get them back. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a law switching the jets over to the Russian airplane registry, making their return very difficult. https://www.politico.eu/article/russia-steal-billion-lease-aircraft-eu/
  8. This sounds like someone is backed into a corner... ------------------------------------------------------------ A Russian airstrike ripped apart a theater where hundreds of people have been living in the besieged city of Mariupol, Ukrainian officials said, as Russian President Vladimir Putin called for a “self-purification” to rid his country of anyone who questions his invasion. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-kyiv-europe-world-news-303fbd14ea7d3f131abc9b3d5739123f
  9. The "real story" I get from that comment is that the actual number of infections is far higher than the official figure. In other words, the "tip of the iceberg".
  10. WHO says global rise in COVID cases is 'tip of the iceberg' https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/who-says-global-rise-covid-cases-is-tip-iceberg-2022-03-16/
  11. I'd be very keen to see a link showing that as I am planning a trip there soon. The information I'm seeing says otherwise, https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/thailand/
  12. As you can see from the attached image, the CSS isn't laying out the menu bar properly and the New content link on the top right isn't working. The same link on the bottom right of the page does work.
  13. https://www.rawstory.com/this-us-made-weapon-has-become-a-symbol-of-ukrainian-resistance/
  14. Biden to send 40 million rounds of ammo to Ukraine — along with 2,600 more Javelins https://www.rawstory.com/joe-biden-javelin-stinger/?traffic_source=Connatix
  15. A veteran intelligence operative examined the possibility that Russian president Vladimir Putin could be assassinated. https://www.rawstory.com/vladimir-putin-assassination/
  16. Were the MSM expected to call out the CIA for lying on no evidence at the time? Did they have even a scintilla of a reason to determine that the CIA was lying at the time? Would it have been responsible for them to have done so without solid evidence?
  17. Many, many MSM organisations have disparaged Dick Cheney. At the time everyone, even myself were caught out by the CIA's lies but once the truth became known they have no shown any reticence to call him out. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2011/08/remembering-why-americans-loathe-dick-cheney/244306/
  18. If I make a claim to some facts then I'll link. If I use a word or definition you don't understand then that's your issue to sort out.
  19. NATO does not permit countries with disputed borders from joining which is likely much of the motivation for the Donbass separatist activities since 2014.
  20. Whe you say "our media organisations are you referring to MSM or wingnut organisations? I would not say there was an equivalence in truth telling between RT and MSM organisations which have journalistic standards. It is a common refrain among propagandists to claim that all sides are equal when that's patently not the case.
  21. That's a totally different issue, isn't it. My post was about banning journalists and your false equivalence is about banning a propaganda network from broadcasting in the country.
  22. The U.S. Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed a resolution condemning Russian President Vladimir Putin as a war criminal, a rare show of unity in the deeply divided Congress. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-senate-unanimously-condemns-putin-war-criminal-2022-03-15/
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