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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The biggest issue is not so much convincing anti vaxers to vaccinate but preventing them from trying to convince others not to vaccinate. By doing that they are literally killing people.
  2. The fact remains that the vast majority of people who are vaccinated don't get infected because of the vaccine. You don't seem to get that.
  3. In break through cases. What about the cases which didn't break through? I'll give you a hint: that's most of them. Break though cases have been described by professionals as "very rare". https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/risk-breakthrough-infections-remains-rare-3-studies-find-rcna1854
  4. The Lancet study does not support your argument. "In our cohort of densely sampled household contacts exposed to the delta variant, " "our findings suggest that vaccination alone is not sufficient to prevent all transmission of the delta variant in the household setting, where exposure is close and prolonged."
  5. The drug companies and every medical authority have stressed that antiviral therapeutics are not a substitute for vaccines.
  6. Why do you persist in peddling this garbage. The WHO have stated their reasons for skipping the letter Xi and a number of posts here have explained it. Conspiracy theories are a religion for some people.
  7. There are numbers between 1 and 100. The booster does exactly what its name says it does. The vaccine does act against omicron in that it does the same as it does for alpha and delta. It reduces transmission, infection and serious illness. It apparently just does it less well. WE likely wouldn't have been dealing with a variant like omicron at all if everyone had just acted responsibly and followed the medical advice which is to get vaccinated. Wider issues like distributing a fair share of vaccines to poor nations and educating the population are also in play. As is quelling the tidal wave of misinformation which infests the social media.
  8. They trolled Trump pretty good. They knew that all they had to do was say nice things about Trump and continue doing what they were doing because Trump rarely listened to his daily intelligence briefings anyway. Trump declared he was in love with the NK leader.
  9. Stop putting words into my mouth, you are flaming. The bans are temporary. You don't know what Thailand will do. It isn't about trust, it;'s about stopping a virus with unknown characteristics from becoming pandemic as much as possible.
  10. As I said many countries are doing the same including Australia. Do you think that people will stop coming to Australia? They won't stop going anywhere once it's safer. Japan just banned all foreign travellers. Will tourists stop going to Japan. Highly unlikely. You are just fear mongering. Countries are just adopting a wait and see approach until more info becomes available. Travel bans are proven to work. They kept Australia and New Zealand virus free until they were lifted.
  11. That's the whole idea, lol. Suspending entry means nobody will come. That said, I know several people planning to go early next year when restrictions are lifted so, yes, they will come. Of course they will come. It's not just the Philippines tightening restrictions after recently relaxing them. Many countries are doing the same.
  12. You expect some kind of religious faith that what you're saying is true. Smart people will never accept that kind of argument. You either provide facts when challenged or you are entitled to be disbelieved at the very least.
  13. Moderna CEO warns COVID-19 shots less effective against Omicron , markets tumble https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/hong-kong-expands-travel-curbs-omicron-fears-australia-reports-5-cases-2021-11-30/
  14. Can you suggest any fact based sites I could go to to find credible information about these agendas? I'm genuinely curious.
  15. I remember drinking Kloster beer in the 80's
  16. Or perhaps she was a figment of somebody's imagination?
  17. I stayed nearly opposite at the Crown Hotel for 6 months at 100 baht per night. Most nights I would hang out in the Thermae. We had to go round the back and enter past the urinals along the wall. One night I found a nice looking girl asleep on the front stairs inside (the front door was always locked). I woke her up and took her home. Turned out she was a virgin. I gave her 500 baht in the morning.
  18. I used to stay there always, 500 baht a night. Do you remember a small receptionist named Mouse?
  19. If you don't know and can't elucidate them why allege that they exist?
  20. Would you complain if they called it the Smith variant if that was a Greek letter? In case you are confused Xi is a common Chinese surname and is the reason that the name was skipped.
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