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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Those are arguments. They are not competing facts or "alternative truth". In fact, that article demonstrates the balance which BBC is compelled to offer by law.
  2. I mean among the right wing inclined posters here on this forum. I see lots of MSM bashing as peddling fear mongering but nothing about the same on the right wing press.. I see that as simple projection. Fox has made an art form out of the outrage business model.
  3. And yet fear and outrage are the tools of trade that the far right websites capitalise upon but I don't see any acknowledgment or push back against them.
  4. Do you agree that there is a difference between dissent and propaganda? Do you likewise support propaganda as free speech?
  5. No, it's to impart truthful information and reporting to the public. It may be biased but reputed MSM doesn't tell lies and do retract stories when they are disproven. Yes it has.
  6. Do you even know what the term means? Explain how it's relevant to preventing infection among millions of people.
  7. It seems like the conspiracy sites have found a new term they don't understand to disparage vaccines.
  8. How is longitudinal data either important or relevant to prove that the vaccines are working. Now you are just spreading lies, willfully and deliberately. You KNOW that vaccines GREATLY reduce infection and transmission but you attempt to deceive but not providing context. Disgusting. Snake oil is what you are peddling.
  9. You're posting unintelligible garbage in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that vaccines are very effective in preventing infection and transmission. https://www1.racgp.org.au/newsgp/clinical/mounting-evidence-suggests-covid-vaccines-do-reduc
  10. It does go a LONG way towards that goal. I guess since you are new that you haven't seen the dozens of posts and links which prove that?
  11. Sure they do but I object to the conspiracy theories about the origins of coronavirus and the general racist sentiment. It's one thing to bash government policy and another to bash it's people. Furthermore, there's plenty of blame to go around but you don't see any attempt at nuance or balance.
  12. Australia too. Much of the real estate price frenzy has been driven by Chinese money. A collapse in house prices and rise in interest rates will cause much gnashing of teeth.
  13. Show me a country that didn't act irresponsibly, some more so than others. Remember, "it will be gone by Easter"? Just as a start.
  14. None fo those countries has had a distinct national culture for hundreds of years. You are using code words (dog whistles) for "nationalism"
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