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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Nobody is entitled to claim opinion as factual without substantiating those facts, particularly when posting misinformation about covid or vaccines.
  2. Stop peddling misinformation. There are literally dozens of posts here detailing this and the information is very readily available on the internet. If you are not aware of this then why are you claiming it's rubbish. If you are aware of contradictory data then why haven't you posted it?
  3. That is unfortunate and reinforces the need for those who can have vaccines to do so because doing so protects people like yourself.
  4. I don't think they Philippines has any still flying since many years ago. They use a different training jet outfitted with machine guns last I heard. The Thai version has apparently been extensively refitted and will be in use for a few years yet.
  5. This is why we are seeing such unrelenting anti-vaccine evangelism on the internet. "The pandemic is a factor in Biden’s falling approval ratings and the worries Democrats have over next year’s midterm elections. Pandemic fatigue is a huge political problem for the party, which feels as if it faces a Catch-22 since the pandemic is less likely [to] end the more people avoid vaccinations or even booster shots." https://thehill.com/homenews/house/584313-democrats-livid-over-gops-covid-19-attacks-on-biden
  6. Your stretching it a bit here. One did die of covid, another died a year before the vaccines were even available anywhere. But lets assume that you are right, what about every person in their cabinet and governments who would be need to be in on the deception? Not just these 5 but almost every single leader and their governments world wide. Plus the tens of thousands of academic institutions, doctors and medical experts who would also need to be in on the conspiracy (deception) or be blissfully unaware that vaccines don't work or whatever your claim really is. It's all a bit implausible isn't it?
  7. It could be argued (convincingly) that the prevalence of anti vax evangelism seen on the interwebs is nothing more than a lust for power since we know it's politically motivated.
  8. The Omicron variant has been detected in 38 countries but no deaths have yet been reported, https://www.rawstory.com/who-says-no-omicron-deaths-yet-as-variant-spreads-worldwide/
  9. They don't. They deliberately lie to push a political agenda. Here is the reason we keep seeing such unrelenting zealotry. https://theconversation.com/white-supremacist-and-far-right-ideology-underpin-anti-vax-movements-172289
  10. They have been, loud and clear. The many others would have to be the medical profession I guess since you didn't make it clear. I don't understand this sentence. Please rephrase it and maybe make it a little longer..
  11. we've done that many times. Look at his post count. This is likely a banned BM come back in to say what he really thinks.
  12. not bad hypocrisy from someone who just said they disagree with most medical experts. The propaganda is coming from the politically driven far right anti vax movement.
  13. It is preposterous to suggest that governments are not at all motivated by the public health aspect of this virus. Meanwhile, it is no secret that the anti vax sentiment is overwhelmingly driven by the far right.
  14. Flank pain can be indicative of bladder cancer from what I read. Possibly worth having a cystoscopy.
  15. Hypothetically, if it takes 100 days to develop a vaccine and the virus can be delayed for 99 days or 5 days, or 10, or even just long enough to understand the extent of the problem is there no point? Your assertion is nonsense.
  16. Yes they care about the patients who are vulnerable.
  17. Should we have learned to live with MERS, SARS, Ebola, Polio or Smallpox? Your binary comparison of lock downs vs starving to death is completely false. Many countries have been either unaffected or minimally affected economically by coronavirus... Stock markets have boomed and the rich have gotten much richer. Countriies which locked down have fared much better than countries which did not. See Australia and Vietnam. https://www.statista.com/topics/6139/covid-19-impact-on-the-global-economy/#dossierKeyfigures
  18. That complication is ameliorated to 1:5000 simply by being vaccinated. The link has previously been posted by me.
  19. If you believe that is the general progression of a coronavirus then why not provide any links to scientific research or evidence to support your argument? This failure is the most egregious element of your argument, can you not see that?
  20. I'm not going to argue about this but your use of the phrase "basic microbiology" was demeaning to the person you were replying to. Use better forum decorum in future if you don't want to be misunderstood. The fact is that's far from basic and far from a given that it will become less virile. Nobody knows, you are entitled to your opinion but in the end it's only that and you failed to provide any links to back up your assertion which further alienates others who expect that you provide them.
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