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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No need to replace bedding. Scabies dies quickly without a host but the eggs can live a week or so. The lotion before bed will deny new mites a host. They are not like bed bugs.
  2. But experts believe that aside from the significant symbolic impact of the ruling, there could be tangible consequences on the ground. "It makes it much harder for other states to continue to support Israel in the face of a neutral third party finding there is a risk of genocide," said Juliette McIntyre, international law expert from the University of South Australia. "States may withdraw military or other support for Israel in order to avoid this," she added. https://www.rawstory.com/israel-must-prevent-genocidal-acts-in-gaza-u-n-court/
  3. Why oh why have you rebirthed 2 topics from a decade ago to ask about scabies which you claim you haven't got and don't mention anyone you know who did? Can I have my 5 minutes back please?
  4. I have a question from another topic. off topic for that thread. What is an anti Trump supremacist?
  5. Permethrin is a commonly available naturally (originally derived from the chrysanthemum flower) occurring insecticide. There are specific scabies lotions available at any pharmacy, at least in the west. You need to apply it daily to your entire body (recommended) or at at least the affected areas. And wash clothes daily and bed sheets daily and hang them out in the sun. Do that for a week at least. Then continue applying lotion to the affected area until all itchiness is gone and then a week extra, likely a month. Scabies ar every hard to get rid of, don't think head lice. Scabies is characterized by an extreme itchiness in an area like a forearm (in my case) followed by hard lumps which look exactly like you'd expect from a mite bite. The affected area moves slowly, typically in one direction. These comments only apply to an infection I had a few years ago. Usually contracted from dogs or kids.
  6. Trrump was unable to outperform the S&P 500 since he inherited dad's money. That's not a business success story.
  7. Which is about as close to a guilty verdict that a court can make in a preliminary ruling. The court notably did not toss out the complaint. I don't like Natanyahu's chances of avoiding the ICC at some point.
  8. A better idea would be to debate what they say instead of just shooting the messenger.
  9. I might have been guilty of a bit of literary licence in claiming "every" but certainly it's in the majority and certainly the number of Hamas militants is not decreasing. Palestinian support for armed struggle had been steadily increasing under the Netanyahu government and has spiked further since October 7. A majority of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza support violent struggle and Hamas’ “decision to carry out the offensive” on October 7. https://jstreet.org/palestinian-public-opinion-5-key-takeaways-from-recent-polling/
  10. I'd say that by now every man, woman and child living in Gaza or the West Bank is a Hamas supporter and most of those are now militants fighting for Hamas, certainly many more than before the war. Just a hunch. Wiping out Hamas is rapidly becoming synonymous with wiping out Palestinians.
  11. “The court concludes prima facia that South Africa has standing to submit to it the dispute with Israel concerning alleged violations of obligations under the Genocide Convention,” Donoghue said. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4431068-top-un-court-rejects-israels-request-to-throw-out-genocide-case/
  12. The "prevent and punish incitement to genocide" bit will be interesting. My reading of this is that it refers to statements made by Israeli ministers, many of which it quoted in its ruling. Itf it doesn't refer to those statements, it's difficult to see what it does refer to.
  13. Again, the ICJ found sufficient evidence of genocide (a war crime) to hear South Africa's complaint.
  14. I'm game. 2/3 of Palestinians killed were civilians. That's not any semblance of proportionality. Thta's indiscriminate bombing. A war crime. The court found sufficient prima facie evidence to go ahead with a hearing on a genocide complaint.
  15. It was in English. I posted the link. If you weatched the court proceedings as you claimed you would know it was conducted in English.
  16. Indeed.; Trump needs to keep the issue alive to help him get re-elected. Doing a deal with the dems on the border (which the dems are willing to do to get assistance for Ukraine) would kill the entire issue. Trump wants neither so the GOP, cornered by MAGA will destroy democracy to help Trump. They know the border situation is far from a real crisis.
  17. I believe the so called exclusion zone being constructed in Gaza will also be the subject of the report in a month.
  18. OK, I'll take that at face value and remind you should you ever do it. Or maybe I have just confused you with BkkBrian in which case I apologize. I do recall you were on a mission to insult everyone who criticized Israel over this. edit: Having just read the above post I'll stick to my original assertion.
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