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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. They know that ship has sailed. The republicans havce an uphill fight to claw back the centrist "good governance" territory. All they have is "Seal the borders!". The reason Trump is so far ahead in the primaries is that Desantis is an idiot trying to out MAGA Trump and has now flipped flopped again. For the last time. Even quoting from a book he banned on the way out. Haley and Ramaswamy won't pass the milk drinking test, despite Haley's tilt at white supremacy by failing to mention slavery as the single cause of the civil war.
  2. I assume that's a coke reference. I wouldn't know. Apparently they found junior's old "dime bags" in the white house after he left.
  3. Coke and big macs would have to be the superfoods of cognitive decline.
  4. Just proof that none of these wingnuts have a scintilla of principles and will say what they think they need to in order to get votes when they need to. Cruz was another classic example. And now Desantis quits and endorses Trump. Who could vote for this bunch of swamp creatures?
  5. Why not? It's all relevant. Only the extremists want to pretend that the October 7 attacks happened out of the blue like a zero out of the sun and nobody saw it coming. Everybody else know this is just another phase in the ongoing conflict.
  6. Trying to get you to comprehend a rational thought is what I find so difficult. The link above proves my point that many Israelis want a Palestinian state and believe that it's the only way to peace.
  7. Try reading the whole article. I know you haven't. Israel should not risk provoking Europe, Democrats in the US, and Arab countries and should only act in the context of a negotiated peace agreement. 41% Conduct negotiations with Hamas on a long term arrangement 12% 18%
  8. OMG, are you that ignorant of the politics of Israel? Really? https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/israeli-polls-regarding-peace-with-the-palestinians
  9. Funny isn't it that if the Saudis prevail there's money in it for a good number of Americans, particularly Trump and the oil barons. If Iran prevails there's nothing but the only hope for peace is not to threaten Iran. Precisely why Obama reached a peace treaty and why Trump dumped it, much to the annoyance of the EU. A stable Palestine is key to a stable Israel and a stable Middle East.
  10. It does because Hamas have vowed never to release hostages until a permanent ceasefire is in place. That means there has to be a diplomatic solution or Hamas gets wiped out, along with all the new Palestinian recruits since October 7th and ongoing. Under that scenario the hostages will die as well because they currently protect the top Hamas leaders.
  11. That's actually a war crime. Think taking out the pope because you don't like catholics.
  12. You don't get it. The US has said outright that there can't be a peaceful resolution without a Palestinian state.
  13. NATO war with Russia is a realistic possibility. Russia has already fought Finland and any territorial incursions into Moldova or Poland. Or assisting Serbia to fight Kosovo again could trigger NATO involvement.
  14. Maybe Trump moving the embassy to East Jerusalem and fostering a military alliance against Iran wasn't the best idea after all?
  15. The US put it's thumb heavily on the scale there, militarily supporting both sides.
  16. They were there protecting Kurds. You know, the guys who fought on our side against ISIS and did most of the heavy lifting. The ones Trump abandoned.
  17. If being poor is a result of bad decisions then your logic would have you believe they made those poor decisions because they are black. If not, why would African Americans be inclined to make worse decisions than white people? The real reason that African Americans are much poorer than whites is a disparity in education and opportunity. A result of 2 centuries of racial prejudice.
  18. Trump's Abraham Accords were a direct challenge to Iran and helped provoke October 7th. A resolution between Israel and the Palestinians before the Abraham accords would have been sane. There are also geopolitical concerns at work. Israel is currently in the midst of a US-brokered negotiation to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, a major follow-up to the Abraham Accord agreements struck with several Arab countries during the Trump administration. Normalization is widely seen among Palestinians as the Arab world giving up on them, agreeing to treat Israel like a normal country even as the occupation deepens. https://www.vox.com/2023/10/7/23907323/israel-war-hamas-attack-explained-southern-israel-gaza
  19. Well, yachting is the sport of kings and I rather don't think the landy was too luxurious. Especially the 2A.
  20. Please. Which country had the fastest production sedan car in the world in 1972? Which country started the first overseas airline? Which country was the first to take the America's Cup off the USA?
  21. Are you kidding? Have you seen those big blue things that line the streets every 50 yards? There's about 100 times more rubbish bins on the streets in Pattaya than my home town. I can't believe I just read this, lol.
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