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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Perhaps stop getting you're news from Trumps mouthpiece ghetto news? "‘Tons of Crazy’: The Inside Story of How Fox Fell for the ‘Big Lie’" https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/11/15/big-lie-fox-news-brian-stelter-book-00127133
  2. Can you give an example of Marxists action taken by the Biden administration? Perhaps you've "swallowed" the Trump bull<deleted> hook, line, and sinker.
  3. Great,my wife's birthday is coming up.
  4. First person that actually wants higher taxes on imported goods. Thailand already has some of the highest import/Duty taxes in the world.
  5. "Government to Crack Down on Low-Quality Chinese Imports" Now, we can get even lower quality made in Thailand products at a higher price.
  6. He's talking about the low IQ Maga idiots.
  7. You'll need both. For obvious reasons it'll depend on your finances.
  8. Perhaps look it up like a normal person?
  9. Best to have both if you want to increase tourism and fun.
  10. Excellent bang for your buck in everyway!
  11. Why not double down on its reputation. Unbeknownst to many (on this forum),Pattaya has a plethora of family friendly activities. However,it's main draw is it's gorgeous women,debauchery,excellent nightlife,5 star hotels, and jus plain fun that's hard to find anywhere else. It's a gold mine of a location and brings in tons of tourists. Plenty of other places to go if Pattaya isn't your thing. Another reason not to have ultra conservatives not run a government in any country.
  12. Sounds as she was psychotic/Schizophrenic perhaps. Probably would have been more humane turning her over to immigration for deportation rather than tying her to tree.
  13. Who doesn't enjoy an inept dictator that bankrupted the nation and made getting a visa a pain in the ass.
  14. Nightmare. It should be easy to find what and whose account the money was transferred to. Probably won't ever hear about the outcome. Whoever reports on it might be sued for defamation.
  15. Plenty of agents who will assist in opening account for you for a small fee on any visa you may have for around 5,000 baht. Takes about an hour,they do all the legwork and paperwork.
  16. Personally, these Olympics don't interest me with all the other things going on in the world.
  17. Hopefully they won't be bothered to much!
  18. All to common in Thailand,especially in the villages in Issan. I personally don't understand people owning pitbulls. It's especially bad when most of the "owners" don't have adequate fencing,if any for these attack dogs. Very sad indeed. The deceased family can expect a measley payout and the knowledge the dogs are still alive just down the street. Nightmare scenario.
  19. The picture above looks nice. Perhaps they should hire the guy as there gardner.
  20. Fear mongering MAGA nutcase.
  21. It seems whatever country it's been legalized in the world it's been successful in lowering crime and increasing tax bases. All without increased mental health problems. There's definitely some important people not happy with there cut off the profits.
  22. Abysmal polling numbers and a truly horrible statesman. Sounds like a perfect candidate for the Thai Prime minister roll. Never mind what the populice wants
  23. Trumper's, always playing the victim. Time for that old man to retire before he <deleted>s his pants again on FAUX News. He's obviously confused and much to old to hold any office!
  24. Fraud with credit cards can happen everywhere. Bring at least two credit cards. If one is compromised,report it have a new one sent out FedEx. In my experience it only took 48 hours for a new one to arrive from the US. Any fraudulent charges were refunded.
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