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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Mostly Bangkok bars. More money. Do you think there all dying to work backbreaking work in the rice fields? Believe what you want.
  2. A look around Hua Hin looks the other way around.
  3. No. They've all headed back to make money to feed their families.
  4. They have already started selling to India and China at reduced prices.
  5. Totally agree! They realize now what a mistake it was to rely on so much from Russia.
  6. Most of the girls who were forced to go back to their villages due to COVID-19 are dying to get back to the bigger cities. Once you see there's more than sitting around dusty and dirty Issan villages anything is better.
  7. It's logistically impossible to get the gas needed to the EU from the USA at the moment. India is another story.
  8. It'll be a boon for that neglected area of Thailand. I've noticed lots of work along the highways in the last few years. I'd like to see the progress! I've heard it'll connect to the New Chinese highway that runs to the Pacific (across Laos and through Vietnam) less than 400 kilometers! Beautiful beaches in Vietnam!
  9. 80 kilometers on the highways is ridiculously slow and is a major reason for accidents. High death rates are because most people drive motorcycles. The majority of deaths are on small urban roads not the highways.
  10. Oh please. Your most likely feeding an extremely poor family in the North East.
  11. It works every time. I'm surprised you didn't know that those police roadblocks aren't geared for safety reasons.
  12. Easier to just slip him 200 baht inside your passport or licence. Hassle going to the station. 200 baht.
  13. I'm going out on the limb to suggest the motorcyclist was distracted and slammed into the back of the bus at a high speed.
  14. No. It reinforces Thailand inability and bad planning to aquire its own vaccines. Its been the problem the entire pandemic.
  15. Despite having 2,000,000 baht garbage truck the village elders we're pocketing the money distributed for garage collection and just dumping the waist inon some government property in the forest for the last 10 years. We threatened legal action. After two years of wrangling they finally closed the dump.
  16. I really enjoy Sushi. Raw food is always risky.
  17. Baloney. Most Isaan villages have opened air dumps and burn plastics and other carcinogenic garbage everyday. It's like little India in the NorthEast.
  18. Good thing. There practically out of hospital beds and ventilators.
  19. "Caveat emptor" https://www.findlaw.com/consumer/consumer-transactions/what-does-caveat-emptor-mean-.html#:~:text=Caveat emptor is a Latin,meet expectations or have defects.
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