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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. You'd probably need a house with a yard. Plenty of those around for rent. High end condos and houses in good repair most likely won't except dogs or animals in general.
  2. The Usual conservatives talking nonsense. Pattaya is great city. Not all of us enjoy going to temples and banging fat women.
  3. Just thousands of jobs that helped support entire families throughout Thailand.
  4. Bangkok is an exciting city. Lots to do! Restaurants, beautiful women, shopping. If you have a nice condo to live and lots of dosh life can be pretty sweet.
  5. Come here and get a hotel here for a week or two. Then whatever city you want to stay go and explore condos you might want to stay. Every Condo has a board with available rentals. You can call the agent or owner for a showing. Its as cheap as its ever been. You might as well get a nice Penthouse. Raves about this search site, check it out and thank me later! https://www.fazwaz.com/
  6. Lowers that chance of Hospital care. Hopefully less people in an already overwhelmed hospital situation. Sorry to hear about your vaccine situation. I'm concerned about getting a booster in a few months myself. Stay safe!
  7. Some drunk guy selling a 18,000 baht phone for 1,500 reaking of alcohol. Pawn shop guy only could trace the phone if there was a sim card I believe. Probably tons of destute selling everything at the moment around Pattaya and beyond.
  8. Hopefully they'll be mRNA booster shots available soon.
  9. "thousands of sub-standard, cheap online goods seized" Any facemasks?
  10. Going there next week. Friend said they've had lots of rain also. I hope it warms up a little bit more.
  11. I was in Terminal 21 Khon Kaen. Really dead. Some shops were shutting the metal doors around 8:00 pm, no footraffic let alone business. What a great Mall! Amazing and the hotel, Center point is excellent!
  12. Looking October 30th. Your totally right. December 3rd and burnt out trying to convince antivaxers to vaccinate. Now its getting harder to do much without vaccines thankfully.
  13. "No Omicron Cases In Thailand" Not for long. Things are to loosey goosey here like their masks.
  14. Some masks you can tell the horrible quality. Its got the "Made in Thailand" feel to it.
  15. I took a picture. I took my wife to speak Thai. There was no tests or anything, pretty much in and out. Paid a few baht, I think 100. Then got my new 5 (6) year liscense. This is in Salon Nakhon.
  16. You have to take it to an independent mechanic. Preferably the actual dealership that sells the car. Toyota,Nissan, Mazda,etc. It'll cost more but its a lot cheaper than a big repair. Brother in-law bought a nice 2 door Toyota pickup for 400,000 baht. Its still running after two years and looks great. I'd aim for Toyota or Honda, Totally reliable and cheaper to repair in any place if you happen to break down. Avoid Bentleys and Rolls Royce. Hard to find parts.
  17. Very distressing. Vile people. Upsetting. Thankfully that nieghbor stepped up to help.
  18. Same thing in Khon Kaenit takes a week after giving your paperwork, passport copies, and the certification you get after your second dose. Also the vaccines cant be less than two weeks before the second dose and no longer than 6 months from your last vaccine.
  19. What vaccines are you inserting? Some vaccines used in Thailand aren't excepted. Mix and match isnt excepted anywhere. Just a thought.
  20. Check there Facebook page. We usually stay there. Its been just remodeled. Spectacular views and probably the best hotel on the Eastern seaboard. Any buffet I've been to there is has been spectacular. I would book now and ask for a seat inside in case there's rain. Lamb,oysters,sushi, thai food,etc. Rooms are pretty cheap right now too. They usually have a free flow wine, beer, champagne for extra.
  21. Thailand should have 24 hour drinking areas called "Kinda Reddish" zones around tourists areas. I don't drink myself but without alcohol and night venues with the usual Thai adult entertainment all you have left is Temples and overpriced beach resorts.
  22. ........Also banks/exchange booths in Thailand have never excepted torn,written on,fold lines on any currency. China Town merchants in Bangkok used to be the place to go as a last resort. Of course terrible exchange rate. Next time put crisp brand new bills in the ziplock bag for emergencies.
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