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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 6 hours ago, kaneko86 said:

    I wouldn't want to talk with my family anymore if I was this poor guy.

    Normal parents would send him to do a quick test and welcome him home. But yeah no wonders after all the brainwashing from TV.

    Normal people should quarantine after coming from a red zone.  Not just assume there COVID-19 free and risk infecting others. 


    Unfortunately this is playing out in Thailand creating uncontrollable cluster <deleted>** of the virus.

  2. On 7/4/2021 at 2:36 PM, champers said:

    I wish them well and must presume they have a good deal on rent. RGP is as dead as a doornail now and the last couple of times I have passed through there big names like Svennsons had mothballed the business for lack of customers. They might tick over at weekends when Pattaya gets visitors from other provinces.

    Its been pretty slow there years before the pandemic.

    Its pretty dated.

  3. 14 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

    "He said they can not do swab tests on all the dead victims because they could not ask for a refund of their costs from victims who died before their arrival at the hospital."  Yet again the Thainess of money shines through in which case we will NEVER know the true amount of deaths,  but hey we get subs, tanks, and more new Wat buildings.

    One Sub would be enough to vaccinate everyone in Thailand plus boosters 6 months later.


    There would still be plenty left over for raises for fireman and front line doctors and nurses.

    • Like 1
  4. 12 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Report from a forensic doctor who carries out autopsies reveals the real covid death numbers are much higher.


    On July 6, Dr. Smith Srison, Forensic Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University posted a message on Facebook about the situation of the Covid- 19 epidemic in Thailand, that may be more severe than the numbers released by the government. From the autopsy of the deceased in just one day, four people were found to be infected with covid. 


    This happens each day, they come mainly from the slum communities and die at home.


    The conclusion is to say the situation is very serious. The patients and deaths seen here are definitely not real numbers. There are much more than that There are a lot of people who don't swab to check (now in Rama, if they come to swab, I see queues to sit and wait since 10 PM to check in the morning). As for the dead, there are more people. Because there are many cases that do not have a swab, some forensic doctors can't swab all of them.








    I agree. Im sure they haven't included two cases in our little village in Sakon Nakhon.  The village is freaking out. 


    Hygiene isn't really recognized here in these Issan backwater villages unfortunately.

    • Like 1
  5. This would be news when the procur 90 million doses.


    Never enough to make a difference.  As long as there is unvaccinated people theres a place for the virus to mutate.


    After the report of the leaked document about the low effectiveness of Sinovac the idiots go and buy 10.1 million more doses.

    Its like those people who keep buying the overpriced 98,000 baht lightposts.


    The corruption never stops.

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