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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 26 minutes ago, wasabi said:

    Maybe this is why Thailand has no visor big brother is blocking them just like they blocked Taiwan?


    Reuters: Taiwan's Foxconn, TSMC confirm $350 mln COVID-19 vaccine deal.


    Probably not.  Thailand has a bad reputation for copyright violations.  There are more countries more suitable in Asia to produce Vaccines safely and without risk of corruption and copyright violations.


    Vietnam has plans to produce either Moderna or Pfeizer.  


    Foxconn in Taiwan is ready to go with few modifications.  Great.

  2. On 7/8/2021 at 2:12 PM, Tony125 said:


    Germany to donate all remaining AstraZeneca vaccines in Aug




    Most Germans prefer the BioNTech(22UAy.DE)/Pfizer(PFE.N) vaccine due to concerns over the side effects and efficacy of AstraZeneca.

    This week, Health Minister Jens Spahn announced that those people who had already received a single dose of AstraZeneca would receive an mRNA vaccine like those of BioNTech/Pfizer or Moderna for their second dose.

    The AstraZeneca vaccine does not feature in Germany's purchasing plans for next year.




    That graph is off if reports of deaths despite two doses of Sinovac are to be believed.


    Bangkok Post


     *Of the 677,348 medical personnel who received two doses of Sinovac, 618 became infected, ministry data from April 1 to July 10 showed. A nurse has died and another medical worker is in critical condition."


    More reports of the same in Indonesia.




  3. The government new of front line medics, doctors,vand nurses receiving two doses of Sinovac were contracting COVID-19.  Some very serious and a few dying.  Yet they keep getting more.

    The government once toppled needs to be put in jail for life.


    Instead ordering proven  mRNA vaccines they keep doodling about.  They keep getting behind the line of countries ordering more.


    They need to ask there friends and CP for a refund for these lousy vaccines and WHO needs to get Sonovac  off the approves vaccine list.  


    Sinopharm looks like a bad choice also.



  4. 26 minutes ago, connda said:

    All eyes on these islands.
    They are now the test-beds for the assertion that a 70% vaccinations target effectively creates herd-immunity. 

    If "herd-immunity" is real and no one gets ill from this point on - it will be heralded as the casus belli for mandatory vaccinations in "the war against Covid."  The media will be on it like an otter at a piranha party.

    If people continue to get sick on these island?  I can't wait to hear all the excuses and "new scientific explanations" by "experts" backed with no actual research.


    Herd immunity isn't working with COVID-19. For the people who believe this just wait and see once they open up Samui with there 70% vaccination rate.


    Samui probably won't open anyway with things as bad as they are.  Who would want to jump into a raging pandemic?






  5. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Not only found amongst people who are from Phuket, but then now two children who traveled to the sandbox with their family.  You have to wonder who the brain trust was that decided travelling was tantamount to keeping the virus at bay.  Yet "What will happen will happen", and "What happens in the sandbox stays in the sandbox", well apparently not as a few ministers were on a flight returning from Phuket which had someone onboard who tested positive for Covid after the flight and they are now in quarantine just like Prayut himself.

    And of course they weren't even tested like everyone else that is entering.  I think the VIP guy even had his Sinovac shots.


    What a mess!

    • Like 2
  6. Just now, MrJ2U said:

    It's not only Crossing by car.  Theres many fisherman coming over with migrant workers.


    The biggest problem is Sinopharm and Sinovac.

    Despite the Arab man having two shots he still got COVID-19.  On top of that two of his children got it.


    Singapore isn't letting people that use two vaccinations of Sinovac as proof anymore to enter.  

    Herd immunity isn't going with COVID-19.  To many variants.  People are still shedding the virus even after they get vaccinated.

    In my opinion everyone needs to be vaccinated.  Unfortunately thats seems impossible for Thailand.

  7. 15 hours ago, Leaver said:

    In theory, it can work. 


    Fully vaccinate Phuket locals to 70%, seal off the island from the mainland, only accepting fully vaccinated international tourists via the airport. 


    In effect, Phuket becomes a small version of what the world will be, post covid, but Phuket gets their earlier because being an island, they can enforce that only  vaccinated people can be on the island.    


    Alas, the Thai's what their money now, and rushed it through, and didn't seal off the island from the mainland, which was just plain ridiculous.  


    If they had more patience, and done it properly, it would have worked.  

    It's not only Crossing by car.  Theres many fisherman coming over with migrant workers.


    The biggest problem is Sinopharm and Sinovac.

    Despite the Arab man having two shots he still got COVID-19.  On top of that two of his children got it.


    Singapore isn't letting people that use two vaccinations of Sinovac as proof anymore to enter.  

  8. Importing cars are almost not worth it with all the taxes, custom fees, red tape, etc.,


    However I've ordered high taxed items worth thousands of dollars and they seem to be able to skirt custom$ somehow.  


    Like Shoppee they don't get paid until the delivery and your satisfied.  Its worth talking with the representative selling the item and the fees.


    Good luck.

  9. 12 hours ago, internationalism said:

    sandboxes can be reasonable easy done on island with airports, but experimenting with a largish city like pattaya and close to 12mln metropolis, is just too risky even to think off.

    in face of the looming 4th wave, not a chance for opening in October. They have thought that one jab would be sufficient to protect, now it's talk about 3 vaccinations - and that is an impossible task for thailand, will take over 1 year

    It's not working so well in Phuket.

    Of course you get the TAT version which is almost fantastically over board.

    Then you slowly get the real news.  Less than 2000 people so far.  Many people getting herded into ASQ sh** ho** hotels at over 52,000 baht for two weeks.


    Thaiger had an interesting interview on YouTube today with a nice lady that had to quarantine.


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