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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 2 hours ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

    covid “cases” are irrelevant. covid presence/ deaths / hospital cases are relevant.

    all covid variants are literally everywhere here. vax rates are relevant and pathetically low (5%?).

    herd immunity years away here compared to nearly acheived in UK........

    all govt. attempts to “contain” covid are futile; it cannot be contained, only reduced to flu/ cold levels

    by vax / natural immunity / herd immunity......oh, vax & herd imm. hardly happening ......or is it ?

    quite CLEAR  that thais have strong natural herd immunity....daily covid deaths “peaking” at 90

    compared to what thousands dead daily at peak in UK ( comparable population).......

    India thought they had herd immunity.


    Unfortunately herd immunity doesn't work with COVID-19 and all its variants.


    Mrna vaccines for the entire population is the only way.

    • Sad 1
  2. Hopefully not many people booked flights.  


    Getting a refund from Thai AirAsia is virtually impossible.  There is no customer service to speak of.


    That said I was able to get credit last year and finally used it a few months ago.


    I don't like to use them and prefer Thai Smile.


      I've been driving to my vacation spots now.  Nice big luxury SUV.  Stop wherever I want with our family.  I don't need to rent a car when I arrive or deal with taxis.  


    Not for everyone but Im retired and enjoy driving.  

  3. 10 hours ago, smedly said:

    apart from all the issues mentioned already on this thread - due to the lack of vaccine supply even if you manage to get one shot of AZ how likely do you think it will be that you will get the required 2nd shot, this vaccination is a 2 shot process, there is really no point in getting one shot if you are never going to see the 2nd shot at the recommended interval - these million donated vaccines suddenly becomes half that when you count them as fully vaccinated -  so good luck with that 

    In a few weeks thats going to be headline news.


    People unable to get there second vaccination and realizing that Sinovac is useless against the Delta variant.

  4. "4 genuine Cialis at 2,000 which I ended up buying but won't again!"


    Its 700 baht a tablet @ Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital.


    They have generic Viagra, Sidegra for 60 baht a pill there (Bangkok Hospital).  But you pay 300 baht to see a doctor for 2 minutes. 


    Cialis is the way but so pricey.  Hard for us old guys!





    • Confused 1
  5. On 7/9/2021 at 7:05 AM, Ralf001 said:

    In the article there is no mention of where home is, he worked in a red zone and was arrested in a red zone... did he really drive all the way home (where ever that is) get turned away by family and drive all the way back to the red zone just to sleep in his car ?

    He was from a construction camp in Bangkok.


    Bangkok is a red zone.

  6. Supply problems again at the only vaccine manufacturing plant.  It would have been cheaper just to have important better Mrna vaccines months ago or even yesterday. 


    Astra and Sinovac aren't much good against variants.  Yesterday Singapore has stopped excepting people who enter that use Sinovac as there vaccine.  There goes a wealthy bubble.


  7. On 7/8/2021 at 2:21 PM, Gold Star said:

    Tourists having a vaccination, mostly having the lower efficacy Chinese jabs, will not prevent them from getting infected by the locals. The extensive testing regime performed on this select group of people is bound to uncover more cases as they interact with the population in Phuket, and may be kept quiet as it will make extremely bad headlines. This fellow brought it with him.


    I wonder if this unfortunate tourist is now forcefully detained in a Covid hospital, field hospital, room, or other quarantine facility, at his expense, spending his Phuket sandbox holiday separated from his family or travelling companions alone until he recovers.

    He and 14 others are stuck in an expensive quarantine hotel.  They've requested to leave and go home.


    Horrible vacation.


    Side note, Singapore has stopped recognizing Sinovac as a vaccine for entry.  Sinopharm wont be far off.


    Plain Junk!  

    • Like 2
  8. 13 hours ago, englishoak said:

    Jab effectiveness takes around 2 weeks,by which time a hotspot.............wont be.


    Better off just contracting it, and will then have natural immunity odds of survival are super high over 99% for the vast majority.

    Tell that to India.  


    This Delta virus is horrendously bad.


    Ive heard Sinopharm sucks but not as much as the useless Sinovac.

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