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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 4 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

    This is horrific. While I cannot condone anyone posting nonsense on Wikipedia, complaining to Wikipedia and having it deleted is the appropriate course of action. No respect for the doctor for having someone carted off to prison for a prank. Didn't have a lot for him anyway.

    Way over the top response.

    They actually attract more attention when they arrest the poor guy.


    Fine him 500 baht and apologize to Sinovac LTD and Give the confused virulogest a basket of fruit.

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    • Haha 1
  2. 10 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Separate her from the other dogs for a few weeks, then when she

    is introduced to the others she will be the new dog, and will not be

    leader of the pack....try that, better than having her put down,as its

    not her fault.

    regards Worgeordie

    Very interesting.


    Out female dog is the alpha in the group.  Funny, they let her eat before they do.  They all get along very, no blood drawn yet.


    Good luck


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  3. What a nightmare having a dump up the street from you.


    I honestly feel sorry for the guy if he owned the property before the dump was established.


    Thais dump everything.  Batteries, dead animals, old fuel.  Its not only all the flys, rats, cockroaches but the water is contaminated and useless to pump for potable use.


    The stress seeing garbage truck's everyday going by.

    You see in the picture the garbage on the road that's fallen off on the way to the dump. 


    I know the Same thing happened to me.

    It took years to close it and lots of money


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