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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 11 hours ago, RobMuir said:

    From the link ...


    Unlike the United States, Thai people have embraced vaccinations wholeheartedly and have been registering throughout the country to get jabbed.



    The USA has had a large % of the population resist every measure asked of the people by virologists, from mask wearing, to social distancing, to lockdowns and for vaccinations.


    And unsurprisingly this has resulted in the highest death toll.




    Now it's open.


    Whats Thailands excuse?

    • Like 1
  2. 6 hours ago, bankruatsteve said:

    Anecdote:  About 6 years ago, our local voltage began going into the 240-250V range to accommodate a new water purifying factory.  At 250V and above, my smart TV would shut down, my AC wouldn't start, fans on steroids, and my refrigerator made abnormal noises until it finally died.  (Easily fixed after the local guy replaced something.)


    Anyway.... That's when I bought my first AVR(AVS) and no issues since.  Now, the mains voltage stays in the 230's but the AVR's maintain between 218-224.

    You shouldn't have to do that and depending on how many appliances you have it get downright expensive.


    I would go down with your wife and a few neighbors to make a complaint at the main office.


    Fluctuating current over time will shorten the life span of any appliance.

  3. 50 minutes ago, BernieOnTour said:


    Well, I could point them to a Farang owned and managed IT company in Chiangmai with Thai staff, and therefore relatively low prices,

    where the quality assurance and testing is excellent,

    because their main customers are European companies with high expectations.


    However, their Thai customer base is relatively low:

    „paeng maak“, ... do we really need this, ...can you leave this out and make it cheaper, ...


    Of cause, then the „friend of my son“ will be loosing out on this deal 555

    Everything on the cheap.

    "Made in Thailand"  means Don't buy it'll break soon if it's not already.--No refunds sucker.

  4. On 6/12/2021 at 7:48 AM, nobodysfriend said:

    Yes , I have probably no legal right to even cross this property as it does not belong to me .

    But , at least , I do not cut the trees . The neighbor who takes it now , does a lot of damage and does not have the right to do this either .

    I have been crossing this property for 5 yrs now . Nobody ever was there to complain about this . Until now .

    Until you know who's land it is I wouldn't cause any problems.  It sounds as the two of you unfortunately don't get along and didn't even before the land grab.

  5. 3 hours ago, SportRider said:

    No vaccine is a magic bullet.  I would think that if someone wants a jab and they have access to a WHO and nationally approved vaccine, choosing not to because of subjective idea of dodginess seems unjustified. 

    My own plan is to get another brand vaccine in a few months time also. 


    (written on my Chinese Huawei phone - best Ive ever owned!) 

    Nice phones but lousy vaccines.

  6. 22 hours ago, clivebaxter said:


    Not for foreigner!

    I think mainly for foreigners. 


    It's to expensive for Thais, even HiSo's who won't pass up on free stuff.  Moderna is 3,800 baht up front at Bangkok Hospital Udon Thani and its cheaper on the open market than pfeizer. Moderna is $24.00, about 800 baht a dose retail.


    Thai's aren't known to pony up that kind of money even if its probably a much better vaccine in regards to variants.

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