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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I believe that under Thai law, the indebtedness would be hers solely only if he had no benefit from the debt, regardless if it was taken out in her sole name. If he lived in the property, married to her (obviously) as his home, he would have benefitted from his wife's loan and would, therefore, incur liability for it's repayment, also.
  2. The irony of an "expresso" aficionado!
  3. That's the advertised top speed. I recall checking out cars in the used lot on Main Street in the early '80's, surprised that a corvette speedometer only went to 85 mph. Salesman explained government regulation requirement. This is not the US, we're not in the eighties and the vehicle in question was not a Corvette, it was a scooter in Thailand a few days ago that was not reported as showing any signs of modification.
  4. what do you base that assumption on? Your response - no rebuttal which is what someone without that experience would do! If you did have that specific experience you would have said so. Prove me wrong.
  5. Yet the XMax has a published top speed of only 140kph? bikes can easily be modified to reach those speeds. a quick youtube search will show you many of them that have been done. And the bike in question was?
  6. No - it is not For further information, google relentless heat in SE Asia - hundreds of reports from the whole spectre of media worldwide. Who to believe - a smart aleck? Think not! It has been hotter than this on previous occasions as statistics prove so, yes, believe the official temperature stats that gave me that information or believe the smart alec media.
  7. "That heatwave isn't normal" For a tropical country, in summer, it is.
  8. Yes, it is not as hot as has been previously recorded in Thailand if you bothered to check the statistics, 2016, for example, so as a "new normal" it is not to be unwelcomed.
  9. There is no indication whatsoever in that video that the pickup in question was going too fast, the vehicle doesn't even appear in the video until the last few seconds. It does appear that she may have crossed the road in front of the pickup in the opposite lane because, by holding her hand in the air, she appears to be trying to stop it.
  10. I think that you need to get up to speed on the fact that in all accident investigations, everywhere, the initial suspicions of the cause are always guesses, based on what can be seen; that is not peculiar to Thailand. "...in Thailand the analysis of RTIs is basically back in the stone-age". You, not having any hands-on experience of accident investigation in Thailand, are basing that "basically stone age" assertion on what, exactly?
  11. Only that exceeding B100m is subject to IHT, so her estate could not make anything at all for the government if the B100m is accurate. Even if it was 50% more it would only make the government B5m...peanuts for a government.
  12. It seems that your assessment of the initial investigation by the police falls way short of anyone who could read and comprehend the whole article... "Further investigation into the incident is ongoing, as the police hope the CCTV footage will reveal the exact circumstances surrounding the accident".
  13. Yet the XMax has a published top speed of only 140kph?
  14. How would they know... they just regurgitate info from social media and other sources... Ask Admin, then, or Khaosod; why do you think that I would have the answer to that?
  15. And you've chosen to ignore..."As investigations continue, the initial reports indicate that vessel maintenance was not a contributing factor to this incident" and instead quote other uncorroborated assertions. So you're right and I must be wrong? RS - You've cherry picked your response to argue a comment and chosen to ignore other obvious points of the article that contradict your response.
  16. If you have a Lazada wallet, what stops you from spending the contents? The wallet is a payment option on every order.
  17. I've found the opposite, Lazada have given me an early refund twice before the seller even confirms. Very good, Same here, I was advised by Lazada of a refund due to the slow reaction of a seller to my order before I'd even noticed the delay and it was in the bank before I read their advice.
  18. "...you can’t use it unless you follow 2 pages of complicated banking instructions". Nonsense, it is listed in the payment options, just click on that and use it to pay for the next order.
  19. Nonsense...unless you've got something to back it up.
  20. The boat was new. "...the boat was new and met service standards..." https://thethaiger.com/news/south/tourist-boat-capsizes-in-trang-sea-one-dead-and-several-injured
  21. You're not seriously try to suggest that no ne wearing a life jacket has ever drowned, or that drowning still isn't a possibility, are you?
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