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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "Brokerage and Agency" covers it, I believe. And, if they get over that hurdle, they have to be SEC (the industry regulator here) licenced/registered to be legal.
  2. It is not illegal to pay a girl for service in Thailand.
  3. Bit late, it was reported weeks ago by IB that his visa will not be renewed, but, so far, there has been no announcement that he is being "kicked out".
  4. Where was the official report published stating that "he has been blacklisted"? Even if he had been blacklisted (he hasn't been) appearing in court is irrelevant when it comes to Immigration transgressions, they are not decided in court.
  5. Of course not, they wouldn't have been talking about your partners.
  6. For beach water sports? Are you sure, which route are you taking for that business category, FBL, BOI or Treaty of Amity?
  7. Interrogating him after he'd politely complied and stopped smoking the joint would hardly be a rational way to go particularly as smoking is generally permitted outside in public places, with a few exceptions.
  8. Why "RIP"? Did you know him or do you just "RIP" everyone who dies...you must be busy.
  9. Because some found it to be of interest, as did the police, and it may have led to more sinister implications about the rider.
  10. The sun's rays coming in through the vehicle's windows, and nothing more, do not get focused enough to set the interior, or it's contents, on fire. Obviously, if it did, millions of cars in Thailand would be bursting into flames on a daily basis as they all have the same type of glass glass.
  11. Nonsense, the original valid will is there for the court to use as a comparison, foreigners' translated wills do not, on their own, create suspicion.
  12. as usual you offer no help, just trolling Yes, I did, I made a couple of suggestions but, more significantly, it was your comment that was, obviously, of no help whatsoever for the owner of a non-keyless bike!.
  13. Holding a knive to cut bread or a steak could never be called attempted murder. Fixed it for you. No, you didn't.
  14. It is never a good idea to pick fault with someone else's grammar if your own isn't 100% perfect!
  15. Only to the deluded democratic voter who would vote for a donkey ...they did that last time and if they do it again they'll be stuck with a mare when Biden steps aside.
  16. If you want to clear Thai probate, have document in both English and Thai. If both are available the English version will be disregarded. If the will is not in Thai, that doesn't prevent probate being granted, it just means that the will would have to be translated into Thai first for the process to start.
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