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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. You have any evidence banks or financial services in any country are becoming easier to use or more convenient for the average consumer?   No, but then I do not need to show evidence of something that was not being discussed. Our comments related to banks in Thailand and you stated that banks will be closing aliens' accounts... "In the direction authorities are going accounts will likely eventually linked to a record of visa or extension and as soon as that passes Alien held accounts will be frozen". That is something that you do not have any evidence for and is nothing but scaremongering nonsense.
  2. A lot of the loss of these crimes could be solved if. ! ideots didn’t walk around stealing three years wages from around there necks [sic].
  3. If it was a pawn shop, they do not have to check the ownership of the item (they have the borrowers ID) but they would lose the gold if the investigation located it. Unless it could be proved that the pawn shop knew that it was stolen, losing it would be all that could happen.
  4. Sort of defeats the object of a pawn shop! The shop always has the ID of the person pawning.
  5. No, 'there' is correct in his post. Jesus Christ, I do know that, hence the exclamation mark.
  6. Yes, I noticed that you gave me one. It wasn't him, it was the other anonymous bloke!
  7. Does this include all Thais? Apparently not unless they are in those categories but I believe there is a line for Thai passports.
  8. If one travels business class one can automatically use the Fast Track or VIP Immigration line. One knows already. I was responding to Gandtee who did not appear to be aware.
  9. One of theses perhaps?... Passengers who can use the Fast Track are: First Class passenger / Business Class passenger / Person with a disability / Infant / Pregnant / BOI and APEC Business Travel Card (ABTC) / Smart Visa / Long Stay / Thailand Privilege / Buddhist Monk / Senior Citizens over 70 / Official, Diplomatic Passport / Crew"
  10. You don't know that it's called UNCAHP ???? Strange, strange, strange You don't know that was a typo? Did you know that multiple question marks is ridiculous, not conventional nor recognised? Strange. UNCAHP does not specifically state anywhere that the keeping of lions privately is illegal in Thailand. Neither does WWF or PETA (not that PETA has any authority on anything). Strange that you don't know that.
  11. If you can't read and understand I can't help you. I do not you to "help me"! Read the links accompanying this thread in which it is confirmed that lions can be privately owned in Thailand with authorisation and registration.
  12. Yes, it is. Registered or not, because it's not species appropriate. WWF will tell you. Or UNCAHP or PETA. Strange that you don't know that. No, it is not illegal in Thailand if the animal is registered. WWF, UNAHP or PETA (good grief) will not tell you the rules in Thailand. Strange that you do not know that.
  13. "...to still claim we represent any form of threat simply for keeping money in a savings account is insulting to ones intelligence". Which banks have claimed that?
  14. Clearly, you are out of touch with the fact that not every transaction can be made by phone, as a substitution for cash, many businesses do not offer that facility yet.
  15. You're right, what (of any significance) would there be for the banks to "be burdened with"? If there isn't enough balance to cover the ATM card, the card is cancelled, there are no overdrafts on savings accounts here.
  16. Not if there is activity on the account, however small. A couple of my accounts never have more than B900 in them, unless I need them to have for a specific transaction, and none of it ever "disappears".
  17. As long as the account has activity there is no minimum balance to be maintained.
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