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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. The most truthless post I have ever read! 55555! The most sadly out of context post I have ever read. The context was in a bar.
  2. Neither of those is "a scam". Pre-determined premiums are paid for a pre-determined level of cover that is there until the expiration of the policy. No scam, at all, no one is forced to accept the premiums and there is always a payout. Those who want an increasing benefit can go for index-linked life insurance. Commission paid to intermediaries has no effect on the agreed level of cover, or the premiums, so, again, no scam.
  3. I'm flattered by the endearing attention you all, enviously, give me. Georgegeorgia, you've got it wrong yet again, I came here in 1994, I haven't lived in, or been to Pattaya for many years, I never wear T-shirts out of the house and I certainly wouldn't give advice to anyone I didn't know, in fact I wouldn't even talk to anyone I didn't know - one of them, heaven forbid, might be you! Apart from all that, you're spot on...as per usual.
  4. "Thank you AsiaNow" Perhaps you should show your gratitude to Asean Now also! EDIT: Too late, I know.
  5. Affluence has everything to do with my responses but you can't understand my responses because you are far from affluent. You do seem still to have difficulty coming up with rational and relevant responses.
  6. 👍 Insurance policies are contracts, an agreement, I’ve signed a lot of different contracts, insurance policies are no different. Read and comprehend before making an argument. What have I posted here that makes you think that I do not understand an industry in which I spent many years? Specifically.
  7. So, cynically, correct. Doesn't make it a scam, though, as no one takes out life insurance to benefit themselves financially. The insureds' beneficiaries love it.
  8. What are your personal experiences with claims denials that have happened "often", as you claim? How many have there been?
  9. Nice to read a sensible comment about insurance. You're right, in general, over 90% of all insurance claims are paid out. If it was the other way around, as most AN members like to claim, there would be no insurance industry.
  10. My name's Pattaya Lou and I know it all ,I been here 20 years mate ,nuthin Pattaya Lou doesn't know I know a lot about insurance so you're wrong about that sarcastic remark. You're also wrong about my location. You're also wrong about how long I've been in Thailand. You're also wrong with most of your comments on this thread...unless you've got something to back up all your assertions.
  11. In short, sensible people should read the policy conditions that ate printed in normal font.
  12. No they do not, insurance policies have "policy conditions" that are, by law, not in small print. Anyone who does not check them and then expects any/every claim to be paid out automatically is just daft.
  13. I doubt that anyone, or any insurance company, has ever claimed anything different. Would not be a good business plan.
  14. What on earth is this person talking about? "a Australian man who is expecting a baby soon..." Nonsense, doesn't happen and didn't happen. Men do not have babies. "... a 100 page letter from the police to make it difficult..." Nonsense, doesn't happen. "...a few years ago hurt my pinky in Thailand they send me a 50 page document to be filled out.." Nonsense, doesn't happen and didn't happen. "...just to be narcissistic, yes I put a claim in for 50 million as I stubbed my little toes and the insurance company paid it the next day..." "Narcissistic"? What are you going on about?
  15. Obviously you are as poor as a church mouse. I am not. Not obvious, at all, and obviously inaccurate, but what has our respective affluence got to do with anything? You do seem to have difficulty coming up with rational and relevant responses.
  16. "Recently I was nearly killed...". Yes? How badly were you injured and have you now recovered from your near death experience?
  17. There was no mention anywhere in the article of skin colour, you brought that up. Why did you do that?
  18. See number 3 on the list. I've read enough imbicilic comments from you. Time to employ the block function . Pity (and ironically laughable) that when you're trying to refer to me as "imbecilic" you can't even spell the word!
  19. Do you have difficulty finding your way home each day? Not at all. Do you have difficulty coming up with rational and relevant responses?
  20. It was strongly suggested No, it wasn't, you just decided to interpret it that way.
  21. No I an actually. But I dont worship drug takers. Evidently you enjoy drugs or so it would appear. Good for you but I dont share your opinion. 1. I was responding to Irish star, not you and my comment was in support of you. 2. Nowhere have I "appeared" to enjoy drugs, neither has there been any evidence that I do.
  22. Set the record straight, Lou! Assumption??? No more of an assumption than that of Irish Star's to whom I, facetiously, responded. You didn't think that I really thought that, did you?
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