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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. She still got the B500bn rice-pledging scheme sentence to serve!
  2. No, it is not correct but, go on, tell us what illnesses, specifically, you have contracted from cold airconditioning, i.e. cold temperatures in a vehicle.
  3. You have no idea what impact this cold may have on some people. You are absolutely wrong assuming freekishly cold aircon inside vehicles cannot cause sickness. They sure can! Been there many tens of times. You are dead wrong. Learn your lesson. Go on, then, I'm ready to be taught a lesson. What sicknesses are caused by cold airconditioning in vehicles.
  4. No, it does not need "approval", it just needs to be declared to ABP/Customs.
  5. It USED to be that the guarantee was 10 Million Baht, then 5 Million Baht, and then 1 Million Baht. Look it up mate - do some research. In the 1st world all funds are Govt Guaranteed in the full-licence Banks. Look up this, "mate", there is a Thai bank, GSB, that guarantees all depositors funds, no limit. Do some research. In the 1st world all funds are Govt Guaranteed in the full-licence Banks. Garbage. There are no banks in, for example, the UK, US or EU that guarantee 100% of funds deposited in those area's banks, without an upper limit. If you think that there are, there or anywhere else, specify them. Do some research.
  6. ROFLOL - Your are serious arent you?? Go use Google young man - all will be revealed. I aint your nurse or nanny. Look at the Bangkok Bank website in USA - or any anywhere else. Come back with proof if you find they have full unrestricted banking licences for residential banking business - That's not what you asserted originally, this is what you claimed... You posted that there are no Thai banks operating in any 1st world country . There are.
  7. So (despite your whinging about something that you speculate could have happened but didn't) you got your passport back complete with extension and no real issues. Those "louts who had no business being in that business" got you your extension by being in that business that you think they shouldn't be in!
  8. After you had voluntarily handed over your passport, relinquishing custody and control of it, was it ever lost or did it suffer any other issues?
  9. "...some people use agents to circumvent the rules". Some people use them for no other reason than convenience.
  10. What does that mean? No one looked at your passport? They didn't want it? They subbed it because they didn't want anything to do with it? Maybe you just need a better agent.
  11. No?? So how do you explain that I started to get fever on the same evening and I got sick for almost a week?? Fungus in AC?? Some "dirt" in it being blown at full power?? And yes, some people get sick when AC is on. It is explained by coincidence. Air conditioning, just like being caught in the rain, does not cause illness. Fevers are caused by viral or bacterial infections, not by being cold.
  12. ok show me otherwise then. assault bodily harm. same same. Google "assault under Thai law". I'm sure you know how to do it, I'm a too busy to do your research.
  13. proof please. You posted... "you might want to check what constitutes assault then". "The Thai penal Code...for "assault", not " bodily njury" Q.E.D.
  14. you might want to check what constitutes assault then. So might you if you think that what was shown in that video constitutes assault under Thai law.
  15. What is he expected to do in those five seconds that she was being removed? Perhaps the reason that he was using his phone was to call the police?
  16. If it was not your point, then why did you feel the urge to included it in your post in Italic script? It was not italicised!
  17. Well, not everyone on this forum is native English, so we sometimes make spelling or grammar mistakes against the English language. That was not the point of my comment from which you selected that, my point was whether you seriously think children would appreciate rice as a donation to the home and whether they'd care (or know) whether it was Jasmine of fragrant.
  18. You dontr listen. When he went to court the bank was one of the parties 'against' him being given the property title back. You don't understand. That was one incident involving just one bank, not "the Thai banking system", nor "compliance".
  19. Sorry mate, but you have no idea - see my last response and 'study up'. You're claiming that none of them were reimbursed by the bank after the employee was jailed?
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