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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. They're not available online, they're sent out by the DWP when they decide to as a way of checking on overseas pensioners.
  2. A phone call costs more than a months pension. Using True or Dtac's discounted rates, it'd cost between B5 and B7 per minute. Even if it did cost a months pension it would be worth it to get the pension going again, wouldn't it?
  3. Like I mentioned, it was a couple of years back (20/04/2016). Why post such irrelevant 'information' when that was over 7 years ago, not "a couple" of years ago?
  4. Most people would disagree vehemently with that claim due to personal experiences but, regardless, which branch opened your account and specifically what documentation did they require last week?
  5. The banks don't need to "understand" it for the minimal number of foreigner's accounts they're asked to open.
  6. He did get a letter from the british embassy A rather important and relevant point, why didn't you mention that it wasn't as just as your post suggested?
  7. That's a new (and highly unlikely) suggestion, what makes you think that something that has never been brought up before is the case?
  8. Why a "corrupt" agent? A non-corrupt agent could do the same but it's the bank officer that would be corrupt, not the agent.
  9. No, it is not, in the same circumstances it'd be called banking regulations.
  10. They said, "no chance, who the 'uck is Dave, anyway, Dave who?"!
  11. Can he? As that was the sole point of his OP, which one are you suggesting?
  12. you won't, one year scam insurance only, only real fools renew You're right except for the "scam insurance" part, the customer has the cover provided by the policy after the first premium has been paid, there is no "scam".
  13. They will take the "insurance" fee from your account every year. Not if the policy is not continued, the bank cannot take funds from customers' accounts without authorisation.
  14. You would be charged the 5k every year.☹️ No, that is false information, the policy premium would only continue if the policy holder wanted to continue with the cover. The bank would not close an established, active account simply because a life insurance policy had been cancelled if the account holder did not want to continue the policy.
  15. ohhh yeah right, poor dude needs hospital and medical treatment... i bet the wife of the victim would love to say the same about her husband. I wasn't commenting on whether he deserved sarcastic sympathy or not, I was simply posting what had been reported about why he wasn't in custody to the member who questioned it.
  16. outside from jail right? He was reported as being hospitalised, so I'd guess, yes. Does it matter?
  17. As a generalisation...cobbler's. The "study" that most refer to involved 45 people and has sod-all significance.
  18. how does one get onto their call center 02 017 8399
  19. I couldn't marry my sister, either, would that be a deprivation of "civil rights"? I think that the freedom to marry within the established law is a civil right.
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